Immigration bill no has changed - cloture vote today.

i guess they had to shut down the phones lines to congress yesterday - overloaded with angry calls ---- and as a result the bill was voted down, as you all know

now maybe we should "demand" to know what each of our presidential candidates has in mind regarding immigration reform in this country -- are they going to uphold the existing laws or are they the amnesty type -- lets nail em down now rather than later - and make them be specific - not wishy-washy in their answers

hammer the point for the next year and a half
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Funny how in government "no" never means no. they keep telling us to say no to drugs and that when a girl/woman says no it really means no. Doesn't apply here I guess not that it surprises me in the least.

Mark W
Funny how some people think.

A child born here is a Citizen even when said child, is the product of Illegal Immigrants that had no business being here. Oh my you can’t make a Citizen go back with their parents, that would be cruel. Oh my you can’t send a Citizen’s parents back that would be cruel.

Oh you can’t hold an employer responsible for hiring an illegal. It’s illegal for them to ask their immigration status.

People seem to get the Governments and leaders they deserve. The Iraqis had Sadam and we have ours. I’d know where to start the cleanup, but have no idea where it would end

I really just want them to build the fence, and then defend it. Hell, build a fricken wall. Hopefully now they will do JUST that. I don't care so much about the people who come here to work. Most of them are good people. It's the damn terrorists and what they would bring with them I'm concerned about. Many forget we are at war. Our servicemen and women think about the war every day. The one's who have lost family will never forget it. I'll never forget them. And when we have destroyed the terrorists, and all that follow their ways have finally capitulated, when we've won the war on terror, then the politicians can resume their pandering ways.

Some of them need a good ol fashioned bitch slappin!! How dare they!! We are at war!!

As I always write in my E-mails to them,”I have 5 grandchildren. I want them to live in the same Democratic Republic that the founding fathers designed”.



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