Ingrates? NDR

Steve Sanford

Well-known member

Susan and I enjoy sharing whatever we have. That generally extends to our land. I "keep" the waterfowl and turkeys for my myself and my gunning partners, but numerous neighbors: walk; ride horses; watch birds; cut hay; hunt deer; trap furbearers; and fish for largemouth and sunnies. Most people we know, others are just those who stop by to get our permission. Our posted signs do not have the word NO on them - but they do say that "Anyone wishing to use our land for any purpose must first secure our permission." Permission has been only rarely withheld in 20 years and is typically granted freely - with a handshake and best wishes.

I have been disappointed over the years in the sloppiness of one particular group: fishermen. Until today, I had found nothing egregious - just the occasional bait container or errant tangle of discarded line. But, today I walked down to the "big blind" on Home Pond - with our first opener less than 2 weeks away. I know the blind needs a new bench seat - and really needs replacement. First I noticed that my 15-foot tin Grumman was upright - not overturned as it should be. All thoughts that maybe the wind played a role vanished, though, when I went to empty the rainwater. Most of these were right in the canoe - a couple others were in the pond nearby....


I am at a loss to understand the "thought process".....


All the best,

I hear ya,
I'm a commercial fisherman and recreational fisherman, "sporties", are a constant PITA
They complain about us when the fishing is bad, want to sell their catch when it's good, and cannot, absolutely cannot stand to leave set gear alone.
I lose 20% of my pots per year due to theft and cutoffs.
I can't stand slobs! Or vandals/thieves!

Some people have no respect. They often ruin it for the larger group of ethical sportsman and recreational folks.

I overheard a bowhunter safety course the other day and they were speaking about this, it's good that they cover this topic. However it is sad that they have to explain it when it should have already been taught to folks at a young age.
I know what you feel Steve! The day before memorial day I went to my property to get the camp ground ready fora family picnic. The place was trashed and my wife and I picked up 8 black garbage bags of beer cans and BROKEN bottles. They also burnt up all the wood we had stacked there.
The place is well posted but nobody seems to care!! SLOBS, John
Brings to mind an issue that came up a while back. Those wonderful plastic shotgun hulls that pile up where the shooting is good not only have the half life of titanium (maybe) and tell the rest of the world this is the "X" are easy to pick up and we should!! Being a hopeless reloader I have always policed mine but a polite reminder goes a long way. DON'T BE A BUTTHEAD.
That's a crying shame. I have never been able to wrap my head around an outdoorsman who would do such a thing. Unfortunately what you experienced is so often what closes property to the true sportsman.
That's a crying shame. I have never been able to wrap my head around an outdoorsman who would do such a thing. Unfortunately what you experienced is so often what closes property to the true sportsman.

People are so dumb. It ruins it for people like me who ask with the best intentions. "No, sorry, we got screwed by so and so and such and such deer hunters so we don't let anyone hunt anymore"
