
Bob Mitchell

Active member
Wow their is some high caliber talent on this board I recognize many names from the DCF where somebody left the light on . I hope to learn how to make a boat someday.I'm just a cork hacker foo foo painter but I find even an old dog can learn new tricks .
Woof Woof
Hi Bob, you must either travel to hunt or be a transplant to the NC Highlands.

Tim (originally from NC and used to live in Asheville) Speight
Welcome aboard Bob...there may not be many ducks around there, but it sure is pretty country, especially around Maggie Valley. We haven't been there in years.


Your no cork hacker. One of my hunting partners has a couple of your birds. 1st class gunning decoys. I love the dead duck hanging black duck. If you ever do a pair of dead cans give me a shout.

Thanks for the warm welcome all.

Keith your birds are Lizard awesome!!!!!!!!
(I heard that once somewhere its a good thing )
Im saving for the book I hope ya still have some left when I get it together.

Steve Maggie Vally is still there waiting for a visit when the Azalias are in bloom,

Thanks for the compliment once in a while I get one to self right .

You need to write a book you got enough ribbons .

Jode ,
Busy is as busy does and as cold as it is here I isnt duzun much .I do have an eider in the pipeline.
One of these days i'm going to snag one of them dekoys you make .

Im humbled by the talent just on this thread sheesh im going to have to take it up a notch to stay in the boat.