Dave, I would keep an eye out on Ebay.. George Combs III posted the digital scans of the article you are looking for by Norman Strung on his Facebook group "Black Duck Gun Club" I also have the article digitized for the LIDCA Show it is viewable within the link below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1su3jksgH3vuLmljwd1D-k_pcUZipISEz
Next month, I will be heading over to Steve Sanford's workshop and focusing on some South Bay Restorations will have a nice segment put together by mid-summer on these boats as well..
https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=Grays%20Sporting%20Journal%20Fall%201980&sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&ds=20 Abebooks.com has a copy available for $12.00...
Thank you all. If I happen upon a copy to add to my SBDB notebook that would be great, but getting the whole article to read was the most important. Bob if you have a copy and are done with it, I would certainly like to have it.