It's going to be tough... (puppy pics) Update 2/8

Your pup's look awesome Tim.

My family kindly refer's to my pup as the "Kraken." Into and chewing everything, full-on puppy mode :). I'm running with my patiented "buck wild" training system for the first season. Just minimal basic obedience, mimimal house rules and as many wild birds as she can possibly stand. She's been on wild birds at least twice a week, since the second day of being home with me. And she was only 8 weeks old. I only shoot her points, but she creeps and busts here and there, I'll steady her up this summer. I'm doing the Perfect Start/Finish deal.

It's been a blast, she loves her hunting bell and knows when I break it out it's fun time. She's pretty darn smart so we're making good progress every week even while going buck wild. I had a banner year for blood tracking elk and deer. I ended up having to drag my critters pretty far to load'em. I would just leave the head and guts and plant a pile of hotdogs under the head, and bring her back later to run the drags. Easy peasy. Between myself and family we had quite a few different trails to track her on. Of course, hoping that I don't ever need it, but its nice to know I can track a big critter if it doesn't just drop.

Talk about night and day between training a GWP and Chessie. My late Chessie was easy compared to this beast. The basics are the same, the temperment was about the same, but the differences between only just fetching/flushing was sure a change for me. Now I have to work on the point, the tracking, all the standard retrieving, honoring, and ranging out for different conditions, is much more work. Retriever training was easy. In the field, my chessie was simple...just "back." Maybe a few hand signals for direction. But that was it.

I have that Drathaar Puppy Manual, I bet there's at least 20 seperate commands/actions they teach those DD's. I doubt I'd ever need them all but sheesh, I don't know if I could handle a machine like that, I just wanted a hunting dog he-he.. I have a GWP, so I'll teach a bunch, but not that many. I don't need to worry about VDD test's. I was on the fence but I'm glad now I went GWP instead of DD, maybe next time.... Well great looking pups, good luck picking out your "brag dog."-Seth

ps. My pup is one of Kelly Jobes, Bone Points.
Since this is a repeat breeding I have already been warned by someone who has hunted with one of the first litter's pups that she is full of energy. I think his words were "She has a lot of engine." hahaha I do expect that from any of the pointer breeds. I hope someday mine calms down as much as the mother. I've seen tired labs be more active. I guess the sire is a very calm dog also... but I think they all have that active first year or two. I may be taking up jogging this summer.

I'm going to work mainly on obedience this summer also. I have plans to get him on birds fairly early and often, just nothing serious. Hard to ruin them unless they catch some or they get pushed hard. We are way down on pheasants here so I hope I don't have to resort to pen raised birds other then some pigeons.

I was very tempted by the draw of the DD's and would have no problem having one. I was honest with the breeder and myself that I had no plans to test in the VDD. I understand their desire to improve the breed and with some pairings it is best they do get tested to make sure they are going in the right direction.
This pup, and I wouldn't doubt yours also since it is from Kelly, is very close to german bred blood. Grandma in the photos is from two imported DD's. I may do some NAVHDA stuff, mostly for the training help they provide here.

Who are the dam and sire of yours? I nearly bought a Bones Point Boris pup last summer when Dan's litter didn't have enough pups. It was with a nice female that a veterinarian in Salem OR has. He is actually getting one of the females from this litter.

The sire was DC Wildwings' Shameless (Gus) and the dame was Bone Points Kadence (Ziva). I'm not all high speed yet on my AKC this, champion that. My Rhyka is out'a the 2013 "R" litter. I was pretty stoked when I found out Kelly lived just across the valley from me. It turned out my wife works on all his dogs at the vet clinic, we just never put two and two together. On a side note, it's purty sweet having a wife who's a vet-tech, both for my cattle ranch as well as my pets. I'm so golden.

Didn't get any good I figued. She did have one awesome, locked down, perfect point...and held it for at least two minutes. I was running up the side of the hill, in knee deep snow, couldn't get the camera out in time. The whole time wheezing "easy...easy.."Naturally the quail busted and flew straight at my face going Mach 4 like a harpoon missle. A SeaWizz gattlin gun couldn't have knocked down that thing. Bare in mind the thing was basically on the side of sage brush cliff, before it attacked me, so I didn't have time to do anything but duck. But we had a ball, poor pup is crashed out in front of my fireplace.-Seth
Tired doggie picture...darn those spooky quail.-Seth
Hey they will be related. Lager V Den Drei Teufeln (Luke) is one of the grandsires of this litter too. I'm trying to find one of the pups that has a little of his looks.

I was calling guys in northern WI and MN about pups when someone told me to call Dan Griffith. Turns out he is only about 20 miles away. Dan was the first guy Kelly and Jeff Funke called to join the Wirehair Alliance when they started it. We were even talking about Kelly the other day when I was up to see the pups.

Bummer that you couldn't get a photo or a shot but at least you got a good point out of her. I see some of those photos that Kelly and Jeff have on their sites and my legs shake just thinking about going up and down those hills. I'm glad our ground is pretty flat around here... but I would like to hunt wild chukars one day.

Today's visit didn't help matters any.
The five males at 4 weeks.


While I'm trying not to have a true favorite I thought I might be able to remove one or two from consideration. Didn't really work out that way.
I'm not a big fan of the hairier headed wires but this one was working hard on me. He liked chewing on my hand.


I still like this one a lot.


In a week or so they should be moving around a little (or a lot) more and their movement and conformation should start to show. The good thing is I don't think there is going to be a bad pick in this litter.

They are adorable, Tim. Good luck in that decision making. I think you are right about all 5. Good to know that you still have some time in making that decision. When do you plan on bringing him home with you? Any names you are thinking of yet?
I tried my best to go with a medium coat, and medium furry face as best as I could. It's hard to tell what'll happen when they're just babies. I wanted the pup to look like a Wire Hair not a Short Hair. Anyway, here's why:

We got this weed out here called hounds tongue (some folk's call it beggar lice). It's just like velcro popcorn kernals. It's just awful on longer haired dogs. I've already had to call my pup back to get her eye's un-glued, and getting the things dug out from between her paw's. My dog's hair is just short enough I can strip out the darn stuff pretty easy. I knew it was going to be a issue from the beginning, so I was trying to find a happy medium. I needed a dog warm in winter, and duck hunting, but not over heated all summer long. If we didn't have that weed, I'd have went all out "ugly."

He will be coming home the first weekend in March.
I keep going back to Burger or Nippit, I could still pick up a name out of an old movie that seems right yet. Otto isn't bad and has a good german ring to it. I need to have something good for a call name. Some I have heard of from his past litters are Snup, Snip, Grizz, Gus and Lefty.
It will registered Griffs Duke ______. I might see if he is OK with Nippit II (or Two or Too) then I could call him Deuce if it didn't seem like Nippit was right. I know call names don't always have anything to do with registered names but I'd like it to tie together if it could.

We have a version of the beggar's lice here also. We also have plenty of cockleburrs and the worst of them all burdock.
He thinks it looks like the longest coat is going to end up like the mother's. She only picks up burrs on her beard and once in a while on her ears. The breeder hates long soft coats and tries all he can to breed away from that. They would be covered with burrs every time they went out around here.

I think only one of the pups, the far left one, is going to be a very short coat but he still shows some wire like hair. He's not sure but doesn't think he will have much if any beard. I want a beard. There are three right in the middle of the coat length and I think they will match what I want pretty well. Yep, you want a wire to look like a wire. Even the grandmother who does have a very smooth coat is hard and dense, nothing like a shorthair but I have seen them and don't want that. Sort of defeats the purpose of going with a wirehaired dog.

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The burdock for us is usually, hopefully taller than my dogs. But when they get in it...dread. The natives used to pile up the burdock in front of a rabbit hole, it would velcro their feet together and trap'em.

Since your throwing around puppy pictures I thought I make you wish you'd pick one as cool as mine's my Rhyka at 5 and a half weeks.
...I tried to do the "R" litter, "R" call-name. Just made it more real for me he-he I'm no dog snob. It was a pain trying to find a unique female name that started with R. After some searching, I found it, or rather invented it. I just have to decide what it mean's in ancient (pick a civilization he-he). Since she's a german, I searched german, slavic, russian, romanian, that kind of stuff. I wanted a name nobody has or ever had. As a kid all our shorthairs had cool german names. So I took it up a notch. To me it's the sound, put to name, of a scary dog growling just as it bites.-Seth

ps. Her papered name was the exact same as a jugheaded (*^*&$)horse on my ranch of which I I found a better.
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