January Work Bench

Very cool carving. Saw some up close and in person when I worked in peninsular Florida back in the early 90's. Very cool owls.
Got a donation Bluebill cut out:


Actually did a swan last month as a retirement gift but neglected to take any pictures, during the build of the finished deek. It was the first swan I'd done in a couple years and I think my best to date.

Actually did a swan last month as a retirement gift but neglected to take any pictures, during the build of the finished deek. It was the first swan I'd done in a couple years and I think my best to date.

Without pictures it never happened ;)
Actually did a swan last month as a retirement gift but neglected to take any pictures, during the build of the finished deek. It was the first swan I'd done in a couple years and I think my best to date.

Without pictures it never happened ;)


Once upon a time people could tell stories without pictures and videos and other people would listen and picture it in their "minds-eye"...


PS, you know I'm just messing with you!
One down, one more to go. I'll never have real ones and enjoyed carving these. Steve that's a beautiful wood duck.

One down, one more to go. I'll never have real ones and enjoyed carving these.


Nice GE, good clean lines, and good head blending...it all it needs to be. What you painting with?

Here are a couple I got done just in time to take to Virginia. A week from today I'll be there.


Here's a brook trout mounted on a sign that I did for my sister for Christmas. She's been in Malaysia for the holiday so I've been procrastinating. It's solid white cedar and the sign is a piece of cedar I left rough cut.
