JD Sneakbox Renovation

Good morning, Joe~

Nice tight fits!

And, I see we have the same clamps. Is that a Wetzel from Long Island City?

All the best,


Good morning, Joe~

Everything looks great! Starting to look like a proper vessel.

BTW: I do not recall exactly what I did with the decking on RED~LEG - but I would epoxy-seal the underside before fastening it. Or, I would soak the underside with something like Cuprinol to prevent mildew or rot.

If AC, I would put the A side down and then fill any imperfections on the C side before 'glassing.

All the best,


I plan on cutting the 1/4" plywood to slightly oversize and painting the underside with epoxy to seal it. I will be putting the A side down as you suggested. This boat is nice and solid. The top skin will harden it up. I did add 2-1/4" to the skeg. Now it is 4-1/2" deep which should make it more stable. The motor board is also cut to length.
