June "What's on your Workbench?"

Jode - Great looking sprigs!

Neal - Thank you for the kind words.

Rick - Straight south of Pekin and north of Havana is Clear Lake. The south end of Clear Lake is considered Mud Lake. That is where our duck club is...
Here is my display for the local art walk. Most of the art displays were watercolor paintings. I thought these might be a good change of pace for the local art crowd. Decoys in cork, palm frond, pine, acrylics and oils.

P.S. The 3 hollow pine Scaup and 2 mallards are new this June.



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Tony Kirby and Kirby...I dont know if you guys are related but that Can and that Greater Scaup are TOP NOTCH. Very Impressive.

Thanks for the kind words! Yes, we are brothers. My brother Jim has been carving for about 10 yrs and I've been carving for 4. I went to Westlake with him one year, and have been hooked ever since.

Pat Thanks,
I really like the full body look of those Ruddies. Your carvings are getting more eye catching all the time.

I finished up these Teal a few days ago, just getting tack free with all the wet weather we have had. I'm working on pairs of Canvasbacks now.

Been making gunning mallards , pintails and minature's this past month. Here are a pair of mallards paint in thick tube oils wet on wet in one sitting. Not much blending ,but I think they project well from a distance.
Not the style I usually paint , but i had fun not overly blending. They dry pretty flat .




Oh and a woodcock.


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Great stuff Guys!

Mallards look like awesome Gunners. Wish I had those in MN.

That Can above is that BAlsa??? Sweet GE. - T. Kirby

Really like the Scaup. - regular Kirby

Cinnamon Teal are very nice.

Ruddy Ducks appear plump, and finely carved.

Developing Carving/Decoy-Envy. Need to do something along these lines myself...
A couple canvas birds for Mr. Canvas himself: Heck Rice.

Primed and sized with a basecoat of ronans. They'll be oils with no eyes...

American Coot


Amazing work by all the carvers and painters!

I have a fondness for Canvasback decoys and take particular delight in seeing all the variety. I have been playing around with painting a drake can I carved months ago and by studying these works of art I am inspired to try different ideas. It also serves to keep me humble as I look at my crude efforts. Thanks for keeping these coming every month.
Paul, Larry, Dave, Thanks. I agree this is my favorite thread on the board. So much variety and talent, from carvers all across the country.
Good looking bunch of decoys for June as usual they all look great . Its inspiring to see the variety of carving and painting styles.
My June decoy is a Ruddy Hen cork decoy.
Bob M
