Kamikaze Turkey on I65

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Saw the darndest thing yesterday on my excursion to Cincinnati. While heading north on I65 in Northern KY in a low spot between pine covered hills on the highway I see something that is still as clear in my mind as the instant it happened. I'm in the passing lane and a semi is in the right lane just ahead of me. I look up and see a dark figure come off the hill to my left and soar towards the interstate. It is dropping altitude and I start thinking that crazy bird looks like he's on a collision course with a truck but maybe it's just my perspective. Nope. In a surreal millisecond the turkey glided right into the air foil of the semi just barely above the windshield. A load thud was heard (windows up radio on) and there was an explosion of feathers, as if a pillow fight broke out, followed by bone shrapnel flying all over the interstate and raining down on my Jeep. Closing velocities must have been near 100 mph. I wasn't able to see what happened to all of the bird but the chunks that flung to my side of the interstate were small and mostly void of flesh. I suspect not so much as a drum stick survived in tact. Not even seeing a deer jump in front of a moving car could equal the bizarre nature of this airial assault. I doubt that turkey ever felt a thing or knew he was doing advancing turkey genetics by removing himself from the gene pool.
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Sounds like another assault by the "Animal Conspiracy", obviously a suicide zealot Turkey on a mission to rid the world of truckers..........bwaaaaaaa

Kyle Ritter
isn't there an old saying about turkeys drowning in a rainstorm just by looking up? lol.. not natures brightest creatures... since i moved to MI in 05 i've had several close-calls with the birds darting, dashing and flying in front of my truck... no collisions thankfully.. yet.
On a return trip from TURKEY hunting in Md. the other year to Pa. I watched in horror as a large gobbler strutted right into the path of a semi-truck's bumper right in front of me. Same fate for the turkey when he hit the chrome bumper, just feathers and mist. The truck never touched his brakes. And I was returning empty handed!!

Merry Christmas!

A couple weeks ago I was on the train on my way into Boston for work and we hit one on the tracks. Actually, the train went through a small flock of them and this one was too slow. Now, I ask you. How in the heck does a turkey NOT get out of the way of a large moving object with bright lights on the front of it in broad daylight?

I've seen them going over the highway also and just barely make it into the breakdown lane on the opposite side. I still can't figure out how those birds can get off the ground.

Nate I am not sure what kind of turkeys you're seeing. I have hunted turkeys for 7 years now and believe me they can fly! The 1st one I ever shot(not killed) flew straight up out of the trees and across a cut down (about 300 acres) clean out of sight. I didn't think they could fly that good either, but I got schooled quickly. This isn't the only time I have seen them take off like superman, up up and away, never to be seen again. I am befuzzeled by their stupidity at times though. It' just usually not during our spring season.