Keo is now with Meg

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I would like to thank everybody for thier prays and support for me at this difficult time in my life, I had to go to bed early last night has my head was banging, my thoughts turned to my 2 little girls I had just lost, I know this may sound silly because I have still got frances with me but with not having any dogs at this moment in time I feel so lonely. The joy and love that these 2 little girls gave to me was out of this world and I prayed to the Lord that one day we will be reunited .
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
Eddie, I am so sorry for your second loss. I hope you can feel God's hand upon your shoulder giving you strength and reassurance. You did the right thing. God bless you---be well!
Thanks Al for your support, My heart is Broken at the moment and all I can do now is look at Keo,s Grave in the Garden and think in less than 24 hours ago she was with me and now she has gone forever.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.

So very sorry to hear of your loss.
I have never been to that place with my hounds (Alex and Ginger) but I know the time is fast approaching.

Know you did the right thing and hang in there.

You are in my thoughts.
I am very sorry to hear the awful news Eddie, Just remember all that you gave to them as well as what they gave to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I would like to thank you for your support at this difficult time, Keo is now in the grave and as I was Digging it the tears was rolling down my eyes,
I think it is one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life, Keo was 13 years 10 months old and I have had her since she was 8 weeks old.
She was not a gundog but the best little house dog I have ever had and everybody love her but when Meg went I think she just gave up, Meg has been gone 6 months today.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
Paul Im hanging in there mate and Amber car,nt come a day to soon, not having any dogs in the house at the moment is weird and to quiet for me, and at the moment, everywhere I look I think to myself, Meg lay there or Keo lay there and this beats me up, so when I get Amber it will take my mind off things and help me with the Grief.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond

Sorry to hear of yet another loss. We lost two pets last year; an 18 year old cat and a 14 year old lab, it is very tough. But as was mentioned in another earlier post, the pain melts into memories. Knowing the day was coming, a few years ago my wife bought a Brittany Spaniel at a DU auction and more recently we got our kids a kitten for Christmas... things are starting to perk up around here.

Soon your new pup will arrive and the cycle will begin again.

My thoughts are with you, Keo and Meg.


Thanks for your support John, we have only got the cat now but she is out of the house more than she is in, and she is still a bit wild and wont let you get to close to her, she is a law unto herself. so I car,nt wait for Amber to come and put some life back into the House.
At the moment theres only Frances and myself living in the house and its so quiet.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
Thanks capt jack
Keo has now been laid to rest and I have now got Amber and there,s nether a dull moment in the house, Monday just gone was Ambers birthday she is now 1 year old and having her first season so Im keeping her in so no dogs can get near her.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Hi Eddie,
I'm sorry for your loss as I lost one of my Great dogs last July,Sandy was her name,I will post some pic's in the future,but I went and bought a new pup right away,an impulsive buy maybe,but the new edition keeps me busy with my other lab Audie,like you and the rest of us we all can't forget best friends(our dogs) I never had a bad one but some were better than others! So take a Breath and be Glad she's in a better place and didn't suffer too long.When you go to your hunting spots you can reflect on your "HAPPY TIMES" that you and your dogs had! And when at home "RELAX and HAVE a PINT AND MANY A TOAST"
Its a hard thing but only a dog owner knows that!! Send us pic's when you pick a "NEW PUP!!"
Capt mitch nee
I have now got a new pup called Amber and she is 12 months old, there was some pictures posted of her on the forum a few months back and very shorly I hope to be making a training DVD of her and I will be posting a couple of clips of it on the forum and then it will be going up for sale with 1/2 the proceeds going the Eric to help him run the forum. Its true I do miss my litlle girls but there is not a night goes by that I dont light candles for them and say a prayer.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Build that Bond