little one going under the knife

Blake Wilson

Active member
for the second time within a couple of is scheduled for 7a in the was born 05/11/2008 with multiple vsd's(ventricular septal defects)better known as holes in her heart and had her first surgery July 30. we are on day 19 here at children's hospital vanderbilt.any extra praying or thoughts would/could never hurt.
My prayers are with you partner. It's so tough when it's a little one.
My youngest grandchild, Sean (turning 2 in October), spent the first couple months in the hospital with CMV (CycloMegaloVirus). It was nip and tuck and I know all the prayers we received and sent were heard by our Lord. He does work miracles. Pray for that miracle and pray as if you have already received it with plenty of "praise and worship".
Count on a bunch of prayers.
God Bless!
My prayers are with you and your family. My little girl was born with an a.s.d., Thru much prayer she now is a healthy 7 y.o. softball player! I will be sure to remember you in the a.m. Shawn
You got it brother. My thoughts and prayers are with your little daughter as well as for her Mom and Dad. From what I've heard, you have her at one of the best hospitals in Vandy.
God bless,
Craig S
Prayers coming your way bud. My little kiddo just got out of the PICU last week. She had a really bad resperatory issue due to her cerebral paulsey. If you need to talk to someone who has been there and done that give me a call day or night. I know how hospital stays can drive you crazy. My girl has had three major surgeries in her 14 months of life and each one took about ten years off my life.
John 361-774-8044

Sorry to hear that but i am sure she will pull through with no problem , kids are bullet proof . Thoughts are with you and the family !!!!Good Luck

Dave M
God Bless your little one and family. Hang in there as best you can and know that lots of us are praying for her.
Blake, I know first hand how agonizing that can be as our Mitch spent a bunch of time at Riley in Indianpolis his first year. He's a healthy 7 year old now and when I look back and think about how difficult that was for Angie and me, I realize it didn't compare to how much it took for him to fight through it and thrive. Its a team effort and I know you're good parents and will give every bit of love that it takes. I can tell you with conviction that the greatest doctors in the world are the ones that save kids day in and day out. They'd do it for free I'm sure. I'll pray for you and the family and the little one and I'll tell my wife about it. There is a special place in my heart for children's hospitals. Hang tough and keep us posted.
Jeeze man i sent my prayers for yas ,i dont want no one to go thru what we went thru ,matter a fact another prayer is on the way..

god bless you all

I went thought that with my second one. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Ed L.
My thoughts and prayers go out for your little one and the family. God willing everything will go well.