little one going under the knife


Prayers for her and the whole family. The little ones usually handle this stuff better than we do.

Best wishes,
That is really tough to take because there's nothing you can do but trust the surgeons and they are excellent. We wish you well.
wis boz
One of my bestest friends had the same issue... became a very successful businesman and athlete. My prayers are with you and your family.
prayers on the way

for tonsils you get ice cream , what do you get for heart surgury ,pretty much anything you want ?

You, your wife, your daughter and the rest of your family will be in my prayers.

It is amazing what children can come through and how they come through it.

May God bless you and your family,

thanks guys for the support.the baby made it through surgery today and the doctors seem to be pleased with the goings on. under the circumstances, we are very happy but it appears a pace maker will have to be installed due to damage being done to the heart during surgery...