Long Island Duck Boat & Waterfowl Show 2022 42nd Annual

Anthony Babich

Active member
The South Shore Waterfowlers Present The 42nd Annual Duck Boat Show & Waterfowl Festival is Saturday, October 29th, 2022.
-Duckboat Contest, Sporting Clays, Raffles, Dog Duck Diving, Swap Shop, & MORE!
Please bring canned goods / non-perishable food items for our annual food drive..
More Information: www.SSWA.org

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121 views and no replys. So here is mine. I thank you for posting the information for hunters in your localtion. I live in Indiana but would help support your show if I could. I hope it's a good one.

Thanks for posting this, Anthony~

I will be there - perhaps with one of the South Bays I'm working on now. In any event, I will be teaching the students - about 2 dozen - from the Youth Waterfowl Day.

See you soon,


Hey Phil,

I have confirmed the date to be correct the official show date is: AS SHOWN OCTOBER 29th!

The club website has an old (5yr) flyer on there stating NOV 5th which is incorrect.
Sounds good Steve, I look forward to bringing my Father's new rig that Dave Clark built his Estuary Garvey ...
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The 42nd Annual Waterfowl & Duckboat Show Hosted By The S.S.W.A. Was A Great Success! Special Thanks For The Support by Members, Sponsors, Vendors & Guests! We enjoyed the company of many, with donations to our club, local food pantrys, new member sign-ups & more! We invite you all to visit us at: http://www.SSWA.org and Join Today! Photography By: Island Outdoors Productions LLC
SHOW VIDEO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QER-DXN3u4I
PHOTO ALBUM:https://www.facebook.com/IslandOutdoorsProductions/photos/pcb.6321523121196976/6321512777864677
