Long Island, NY South Shore Brant hunt

Dave and Rufus got out of town just in time. After shoveling out the truck and cars I had to clean of the boats.

Only 4 days left in our duck season. Then it's only Seaducks till the 31st and Canada geese till Feb 26th
It looks like you may have gotten more snow than we did! However we made up for it with the temperatures: -18F at my house this morning and I heard that Watertown was -44F. Luckily the wind was not blowing!

I had hopes of pressure washing the salt off of the boat and trailer and flushing the outboard after my LI trip. Now I may have to wait a week or two for it to get above freezing. It's not just the ocean salt I'm worried about, the road salt up here is nasty. I towed through snow/salt for about the last hour and a half of my trip home on Monday.

In regards to the salt, I was thinking about something on the ride home. Then seeing the pictures of Dave's broken trailer kind of reinforced it in my mind. Do you do anything to rinse the salt from inside the beams on trailers with the "box beam" type of frames? I had thought about dunking the whole thing in the lake on my way home Monday, but with the snow I just drove straight home. Also thought about running the hose into openings in the frame, but it may run out faster than I can run it in. I guess I could tape some of the other holes shut?

I would like to get as many years as I can out of this new boat/trailer. What do you think?


I had a friend text me at 6am this morning and said it was -20 is Duanesburg,NY.
We had 12" of snow at home and 14" at the marina.
I cleaned off my tender before I went home last night and there was already 6" on it at 4pm. When I arrived at work this morning there was no snow on the canvas but the cockpit was filled to the top of the gunwales, about 30". It looks like the strong winds kept the snow off the canvas but it filled the cockpit.

As for salt inside the trailer. I try to rinse the trailer down when possible but with these temps that's not going to happen. I usually don't keep my trailers more than a few years so I'm sure I'll have another before I see any problems. I wish I had a lake I could dunk it in on the way home. That would be great and sounds like the best way to clean it off. You can always stuff a large sponge in the open end of the tube then fill the tube from the other end. That should give it a good cleaning.

Courtney is headed back to Oswego today. I just spoke to her and she said the roads were clear once she was over the bridge.
I'll probably be headed upstate again to do some Coyote hunting before the season ends.
I forgot to ask you how your trapping season has been going?
John, thanks for taking me & Brian out on Friday. We had a great time. This board really is a wealth of knowledge and I decided to join. Thanks again
It's funny that you mention Duanesburg, my college roomate was from there. We had gotten about 8" of snow as of yesterday, but skies are sunny right now.

The beams on my trailer have several small holes drilled in them, but only the tongue has a large opening. Maybe I'll just dip it in the lake when things warm up a bit (and the roads are clear), there's a launch nearby on Skaneateles that usually stays open. I'll still pressure wash everything that I can see, as I think that is better than just submerging it.

I did well with the muskrats in early December and also caught a few beaver and mink. The mink were my first, so that was cool. May have to try some muskrat trapping through the ice, as I don't see the marshes opening up before muskrat and mink close on February 15. Luckily the beaver season runs through early April, so I've still got time to go after them. It's great to be out trapping beaver in March and April as all the signs of spring are starting to appear!
John, thanks for taking me & Brian out on Friday. We had a great time. This board really is a wealth of knowledge and I decided to join. Thanks again


It was nice having you guys out and I'm glad to see you posting. Don't be a stranger here. You can get all the answers you need about any duck boat here without all the BS.
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North, lol. But not to far.
If you want to go give me a call.
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John, brushed off the snow today... Looks like you got you got lot more snow than we did... Got 7 - 8". Only a couple days left, gonna try tomorrow...