Looking for a shallow water canoe/skiff....

Rhett Owens

Active member
I'm looking for some simple plans for a canoe/skiff/small boat. The specs need to be approx 12-14', less than 4' wide, light weight, square transom for trolling or small motor, no bow or rocker, very shallow draft with approx 400lbs.

It will be used mainly for transportation of 2 people to and from fishing spots in a protected shallow river. Any ideas on a design?
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Rhett ,

We are both looking for the same boat i think, we have alot of small rivers (less that 20 feet wide ) and on average 10 feet deep with alot of marsh areas , so i need something like a canoe but a little more stable , not that a canoe would not due it but i was thinking something like the Rail Bird Skiff saw plans on a web site a while back but cannot find the site now . i posted something below on the forum asking for help chk that post out from time to time i am sure the group here can help us out . Good luck with your search

I think what you guys are looking for is a good 'ol Louisiana Pirogue. Gator Boats has plans for one; nothing fancy, but will serve your puprose.

Bob H

Along the same lines as DaveM is looking for check out Devlins Pole boat also. Mark(mo) built one. It's in his avatar. Tom Sholberg built one also. Tom built a transom on his for a small outboard.

Good luck in your search.

Ed L.
Ed ,

I am going to be doing a little less poling but it is not out of the question in some of the spots i will need to get to , i am looking at padling or elaectric O/B to the spots nd then pole in from there . Thanks

Dave M
Bob ,

The olny thing i was concerned about was the freeboard on a pirouge , i am looking at a having the dog myself and 1/2 doz dekes with the possiblibility of 2 guys . Would these type boats handle that ? I am talking small rivers here not the Mississippi like alot of guys here encounter . Thanks

Dave M
I used Gator Boats as an example to show you what a Pirogue looked like. My son hunted out of a two man Pirogue for years w/dog. Having a flat bottom they are more stable than a canoe, and able to manuver in just a few inches of water. Or, an open body of water. Very easy to build with simple hand tools.

Bob H
Bob ,

Thanks it is one of the contenders , i will do either one of them did your son build his ? would you be able to use a kayak paddle to push it and then pole to the tight spots ? I was thinking like a 13-14 foot to get that in a canoe iot gets tippy as all hell . The canoes that are good and wide for there lengths are expensive not looking to pay alot just something basic but stable , That water up here gets cold ya know . Thank you for your help

Dave M

I have never been in a perogie (sp?) but everything I've ever read about them is that they are easy to tip (have poor secondary stability). Is that incorrect?

Dave, I think the answer to your dilemma is a kayak. They are the most stable maneuverable small boats out there for what you're looking for. Ask Griz - he hunts his in some gnarly places down your way. Check out the old town loons and predators...

I don't know if this is what you're looking for. By your discription it seems to match your needs. Its a pretty good mix between a kayak and a canoe. Shallow draft, 14' long, and light as a feather (relatively). In fact, I was able to fit it on top of my Nissan Pathfinder. The link to the thread is at the bottom. I hope this helps.





