Lordy, Lordy... look who's 40....

Happy Birthday.The people who made those Birds & set Up for you,as well as the many Postings you had today. are your True & Great full Friends ENJOY. The next 40 goes Fast. PAUL
That had to be a great birthday. Like Pat said, I sure wish you another 40. Good health to you, sir.
Thanks again guys. Yes I am blessed and happy to be here. I enjoy my family and friends, many of those on this board among them. Jode
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz

Have to agree with you Boz,

Kids, they're taking over the world! :>) :>) Happy Birthday Jode
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz

Have to agree with you Boz,

Kids, they're taking over the world! :>) :>) Happy Birthday Jode

And here I thought we were over run with geezers.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In Reply To[/font]
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz

Have to agree with you Boz,

Kids, they're taking over the world! :>) :>) Happy Birthday Jode

And here I thought we were over run with geezers.

Another twenty years and you will be singing a different tune Tod. ;>) ;>)
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In Reply To[/font]
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz

Have to agree with you Boz,

Kids, they're taking over the world! :>) :>) Happy Birthday Jode

And here I thought we were over run with geezers.

Another twenty years and you will be singing a different tune Tod. ;>) ;>)

You aren't kidding old man! We all have a lot of living to do between now and then, so we best get at it (I'll be sure to carry my fair share of the load).

Wow, I didn't realize there were so many kids on this web page :) Just kidding Jode; have many more in good health.
wis boz

Have to agree with you Boz,

Kids, they're taking over the world! :>) :>) Happy Birthday Jode

And here I thought we were over run with geezers.

Paully made a comment last week about being one over on our quota another undesirable group... I'd argue we might be over our geezer quota as well except I am confused about one thing...what's the difference between a geezer and an old fart? Inquring minds want to know.


PS, Happy Birthday Jode!
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, except I am confused about one thing...what's the difference between a geezer and an old fart? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Allow me to clear things up for you.

A geezer is any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to whoop your butt in an butt whooping contest.

An old fart is
[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oh wait, you are right , there is no difference!!

and don't you forget it.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, except I am confused about one thing...what's the difference between a geezer and an old fart? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Allow me to clear things up for you.

A geezer is any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to whoop your butt in an butt whooping contest.

An old fart is
[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oh wait, you are right , there is no difference!!

and don't you forget it.

I've always thought a 'geezer' is an old guy full of hot air but wise enough to hold it in and an 'old fart' is one who lets that hot air out... :)
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, except I am confused about one thing...what's the difference between a geezer and an old fart? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Allow me to clear things up for you.

A geezer is any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to whoop your butt in an butt whooping contest.

An old fart is
[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]any one who has a few years on you, but is still able to,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oh wait, you are right , there is no difference!!

and don't you forget it.

I've always thought a 'geezer' is an old guy full of hot air but wise enough to hold it in and an 'old fart' is one who lets that hot air out... :)

So Dave is not a geezer...gotcha.
old fart 60 to 70, geezer 70+, but that is just my estimation and observation based on male relatives and friends...Dave

I've always thought a 'geezer' is an old guy full of hot air but wise enough to hold it in and an 'old fart' is one who lets that hot air out... :) [/QUOTE]

So Dave is not a geezer...gotcha.

Hahahaha... Let the record show I didn't say that.

There are such things as young farts too.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In Reply To[/font]


I've always thought a 'geezer' is an old guy full of hot air but wise enough to hold it in and an 'old fart' is one who lets that hot air out... :)

So Dave is not a geezer...gotcha.

Hahahaha... Let the record show I didn't say that.

There are such things as young farts too.


My grandfather had a few choice names for younger folks like Chuck, but young fart will do for now.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In Reply To[/font]


I've always thought a 'geezer' is an old guy full of hot air but wise enough to hold it in and an 'old fart' is one who lets that hot air out... :)

So Dave is not a geezer...gotcha.

Hahahaha... Let the record show I didn't say that.

There are such things as young farts too.


My grandfather had a few choice names for younger folks like Chuck, but young fart will do for now.

Last time I'm nice and say something like "Your're not a geezer"