Lost a great man on Saturday...

Eric Dellamater

Well-known member
On Saturday morning I lost my grandpa at the age of 99, I was with him all night and finally went to catch some sleep, only to be called later that night with the call....he deer hunted up until he was 88, and in his last year he shot 3 bucks, smallest of the bunch was 18" spread, 12 pointer...he only laughed and apologized for shooting one for me but he figured I needed meat and he knew how well I shot so he would just "help me out" and just shoot me a yearling buck.

This was the same man who brought all the fish for our party when we had 53 people there for the fish fry, we had 3 cake pans of fish left over when we were done and every one was stuffed...he was truly a fishing machine. This was the man who when my father left when I was 3 who stepped in, taught me the ropes of life, bought my mother's house so we would not lose everything, taught me to golf, hunt, fish, mow the lawn straight, garden, farm, clean stalls, mow hay in the loft, pick berries....

pretty much everything, he IS my hero.

......sadly it was time...he held my hand tightly with the strength that only a farmer has in his weakened body....and then he let go.

and when it rains it pours...on Sunday his last remaining sister (there were 12 in the family) passed at age 95....
So ends a generation of good strong German farmers...

God speed grandpa... you will be missed!!!
. This was the man who when my father left when I was 3 who stepped in, taught me the ropes of life, bought my mother's house so we would not lose everything, taught me to golf, hunt, fish, mow the lawn straight, garden, farm, clean stalls, mow hay in the loft, pick berries....

pretty much everything, he IS my hero.

These types of posts always touch me but this part did quite deeply. What a wonderful and kind man to have in your life. My condolences.
My condolences for your loss Eric. Obviously he was a man of integrity and character that lead by example. You are a lucky man to have had him in your life.
Sorry for your loss, glad you have so many great memories.
Sounds like he was a good man.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sounds like a great man.
ERIC, sorry for your loss. We all need to read your story closely, and try our best to be like your grandad. The world would be a better place! Rich
Sorry to hear of your loss. That generation is going fast and they represent one of the periods of American History that saw the proverbial best of times and the worst of times. My dad is 86 years old and lived from the end of the horse and buggy days and roaring 20's to the present. He's about the youngest you can be and be a World War II veteran. He saw service in the Pacific and was one of the first groups of GI's to be marched through Hiroshima just days after the bomb. Can you imagine what all these special senior citizens have seen and experinced!
Celebrate his life, and al the time you had with him... he will be with you, everytime you use a skill he taught you.

Well.... given the way you shoot... you might not have learned that much! :) sorry for your loss buddy.
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