Lost White Wing Scoter

Eric Patterson

Staff member
This Saturday I saw only my second white wing scoter killed in North Alabama. Thomas bagged a juvie drake (?) unexpectedly. The first being one my nephew shot about ten years ago not to far from Saturday's. Them things are HARD to kill. Anybody else bag a rare bird this season?
I bagged a bird which this year in MN was rare..... I know, doesn't count. Thomas must have been excited.

Mark W
Cool, congrats to Thomas.
The FFW guys checked a number of scoters opening weekend down here. All came from south of I-10.
My partner killed one about 10 years ago.
I saw 3 down on MS Sound 4 years ago, havent seen one since.
This Saturday I saw only my second white wing scoter killed in North Alabama. Thomas bagged a juvie drake (?) unexpectedly. The first being one my nephew shot about ten years ago not to far from Saturday's. Them things are HARD to kill. Anybody else bag a rare bird this season?

First white wing I've heard killed around in North AL in years. I found some in March a few years ago. I know of three longtails that have been killed on Guntersville this year, a drake and two hens.
That will be etched in your memory forever,
Hunted there myself last weekend,
had to get my old squaw in AK hope to see one here as well
in the future?
Mr. John C. Hancock or should I say Dr. Hancock?

When you miss a bird it is no longer be claimed as "I missed a shot"...Wikipedia states that you "HANCOCKED IT"... :) TeeeHEEE HEEE HEEE!

Stump Lake in North dakota used to be a travel destination for egg collectors as an easy access for collectors hoping for a WWS egg. I learned this only after researching it when a few of my hunting buddies decoyed a group of 15 in oct a few years ago. Fowl never ceases to amaze me.
I haven't heard of it being shot, but a cinnamon teal was spotted on a federal refuge along the North Carolina coast a few weeks ago. That came as a shocker to me. Has anyone else heard of cinnamon teal on the east coast?