Mack's Prairie Wings REALLY ?????

Tom Scholberg

Well-known member
Just browsing my new Prairie Wings catalog and was somewhat amazed at the number of calls listed. The OCD kicked in and I counted the calls listed in the catalog. If you bought them all you could use a different one every day for a year. That's right 365 different calls and some pushing $200.00, WTH??? Am I just getting old or is this crazy. ( I know Dave, I am getting old just like you)
Am I just getting old or is this crazy. ( I know Dave, I am getting old just like you)

HEY!!,,,,,,,,,,,, speak for yourself.

I thought you used a new duck call every day already,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or,,,,,,,,,,, maybe it just sounds that way. :>) :>)
It is getting crazy. There are fewer duck hunters and the number of calls have increased beyond belief. 40 years ago the selection of calls you could buy locally in southern Illinois was probably no more than 1 or 2 models from 2 or 3 makers.
If you wanted something different you could order one from Herter's or travel to Arkansas or Louisiana and get something local.