maryland museums...


...I'm planning a trip to Maryland at the end of this month....I'm trying to plan the trip...I'm in process of making a list of waterfowl/decoy museums on the Eastern shore/D.C. area...I'd appreciate any advice....
in your much time ...approximately...should I plan on spending there??? again...I appreciate you taking the time....
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The HDG hour minimum, two hours if you really want to get the most out of it. There are quite a few displays to read and some videos to watch. And don't forget to go upstairs and check out the decoy collection. They also have quite a library up stairs. Enjoy!

the big ones have been listed, and I absolutely agree. the museum that Rich mentioned in North East is the Upper Bay Museum, which Vernon Bryant has been instrumental in revitalizing. the hours are quirky, but i highly recommend it....not as big as Havre de Grace, but a short drive from it, so you can do both in the same morning. some really great boats, a massive collection of really cool v-boards, etc. if you want some recommendations on places to eat, let me know...i'm better at food than ducks.

Havre de grace and Wards Museums are a must, Pat Vincenti's store and shop at Havre De Grace are well worth a stop.

If your out by Chincoteague Island you could check this guy out too, Roe Terry