Yukon Mike
Well-known member
Despite the 3 planes, 22 hour travel day getting there it was a great trip. Got to hunt with old friends, visit family, revisit old spots. My expectations for a decent buck were low due to two bad winters in a row that have taken their toll on the populations. I was happy to see almost all does had fawns with them, and many had twins so that bodes well for next year. Due to the high water this summer there was quite a bit of unharvested land that was too wet to get to, and lots of hay that didn't get a second cut, so food was not a problem for the deer. It was -10C ish and windy the whole two weeks, but without enough snow for tracking, which was challenging.
By the end of the first week I had scoped out a 4x4 I was interested in and got hidden in some grass with a bipod awaiting his arrival one evening. He gave me a standing broadside shot at 190 yds and I put one in his neck. I really wanted him to die in an easy to retrieve spot, and behind him was a big nasty 600+ acre prairie and scrub mess. You can see he died chewing.
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My sister's youngest is keen on hunting these days so she tagged along with me one morning to help out with a drive. The buck came straight for us so that was that.
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The last deer is the best one me and the guys got this year. That was a windy cold morning.
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Cooking up the soup.
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Good times.
By the end of the first week I had scoped out a 4x4 I was interested in and got hidden in some grass with a bipod awaiting his arrival one evening. He gave me a standing broadside shot at 190 yds and I put one in his neck. I really wanted him to die in an easy to retrieve spot, and behind him was a big nasty 600+ acre prairie and scrub mess. You can see he died chewing.
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My sister's youngest is keen on hunting these days so she tagged along with me one morning to help out with a drive. The buck came straight for us so that was that.
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The last deer is the best one me and the guys got this year. That was a windy cold morning.
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Cooking up the soup.
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Good times.