Meet the new addition


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This weekend I brought home the dog (he is named but I have yet to pick a name for him that I like) for a trial run here at the house. See how he does with the two dogs here and more importantly see how my dad likes him and try and let the potential new addition win him over.


"Drake" is from the same stock as Mike, Steve's dog and originally belonged to Steve's nephew, Andy. Andy is spending lots more time with his family than hunting and felt bad about not being able to hunt Drake so I got offered Drake. To say that I'm thrilled is putting it lightly.


He has been a very good boy in the house, other than eating and thankfully throwing up a sock, and been very good outside the house. I've taken both the boys out wandering to see how they would do together and how well Drake minds off leash. He minds very well around the house, but out in the woods? I wanted to see. So off we went to an area that is fun for dogs to run, few people, but contained enough that if he ran off and didn't respond, with the ocean on three sides of that place he'd be limited in where he could go.


I was very happy to see that he responded very well, and so did Kenzie. I've never trained Kenzie with other dogs so wasn't sure what to expect but they have both minded very well.

We've been out wandering each day this weekend and they've had a blast. Seem to do well together.




This summer ought to be quite fun what with fishing season and training the new dog for hunting season. There is work to be done with him, but I'm confidant that we can get it done so that I will have a four legged partner for duck season. But he definitely LOVES the water, ducks and we just work on fine tuning.


Same line as Mike with appropriate length ears should be a super combination! :).

Really one of the great things is a new pup and that should be a great one!

Awesome looking dogs. Your a lucky gal to get such a great looking dog. glad you got your sockback ;>)
That dog is a fine looker I bet the puppy in him will be there forever. You will be very happy with him.
Bob, he's 4 years old.

Tod......OF COURSE his ears are the right length.....he's kin to Mike....why wouldn't they be?

And getting my sock back? geeeeee not the same color coming back up as it was going down....I decided to send it on to sock heaven

Thanks y'all! He is a very handsome boy, IMO.
That's great Dani. The new addition will make great composition to some of your picture stories. Now, looking at the place they are playing and keeping in mind a recent thread, keep them away from those big Florida lizards!!!!!! Trip.
OOOHHHHHH YEAH he gets to stay. I got the official YES if I wished to keep him then it would be ok.

And since I don't like my dogs to be gator bites, I'm FOR SURE keeping him away from water that I know have or could possibly have any of those lizards during the summer especially.

Bob, he's 4 years old.

Tod......OF COURSE his ears are the right length.....he's kin to Mike....why wouldn't they be?

And getting my sock back? geeeeee not the same color coming back up as it was going down....I decided to send it on to sock heaven

Thanks y'all! He is a very handsome boy, IMO.

Glad to see you got to keep him. If he is a sweeheart like Mike, you are a lucky gal. Just keep him away from floating docks.

Dani, I am just thrilled for you, we have found two dogs are magic. They bond and entertain each other. Nice lab, too bad about the color though;-). Keep it fun but don't take any crap from him and everything wil work out just fine. Congrats again, I'm happy for you. Lucky dog.
Thanks again y'all.....He is every bit as sweet as Mike is...

Tom....what's wrong with his color? At least this way the mud is hidden and it doesn't LOOK like he needs a bath b/c he's filthy. Besides, one blonde in the house is enough.....