Memories now and then


Well-known member
Joe got me thinking of trips of days gone by so i thought id start a thread ifin a fella wanted to to a tale from now or back then ..
heres me and my ol buddy Vic from one of our trips to his secret honey holes ,Joe me and Vic spent some quality time laughing in the blind .like the story of the ice in our beards..
In this spot we have a few adventures one nite packing up being seasoned canoe guys we were standing up in it wrapping decoys up when i yelled down and the two of us prety near went int he drink ,as a flock of 747`s canada at head high prety near hit us the lead burd went between us ..i laugh when i see the video of the ducks attacking it was just like that..i just heard a murmer from the lead burd and they were 20 feet from us in the lazy pinks and yellows of the sun going down withthe dark of the marsh under it.if they had of kept low instead of popping up to land in we would have been

we had alot of good hunts together heres some of the pond pics..



my all time favorite

..lets see some of your stories and pics guys so the off season isnt so bad...
Shermie,I don't have anything that dramatic.Being alone most of the time I don't get much chance to get pics of people.Here are a few in the field,when my grandson and wife
were here,plus one of the first long lines I set for divers.The third line is out of the frame.DSC05320.JPG
P1000217-1.JPG Cass backing her son Patch.He does all the retrieving.

Cass ,the momma posing with Grandson ,wife and birds
Two lines BB and Cans
Having a hell of a time putting the pics and text where I want.One day I'll figure it out.Bwaaaa
Nice real Nice Joe ,nuthin like having family for a day afield..Nice looking dogs ya got there...and a bag of birds to boot ,nuthin like it...

Here's some oldies for ya. When I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me a get a dog, so I caught a coyote pup one spring and raised it. Actually, he lived in the kitchen for about 2 weeks and my mom looked after him while I was at school. He was great fun, but a sucky hunting dog. If I shot something he'd grab it and run away with it, usually to eat the heads off. But he did find wounded ducks in the grass for me a time or two. I wish I'd taken more pictures.



Unfortunately he broke a leg really bad and I had to shoot him. That was hard. I actually quit hunting and trapping for a year over that one. I'll never try to tame a wild thing again - it was really terrible for him to be caged, but he couldn't make a living on his own and someone would have shot him. Coyotes were over $200 that winter and he'd run up to me whenever I had a gun. I let him run in the summer, but he had to be in a cage all winter.

Hi Shermie, I am also a from the maritimes. I hunt mostly on and around the Saint John river. I have been hunting since I was 10 years old and that was aloooong time ago. I remember in 2005 we had very heavy fog on opening, I was always the one that captained the boat for the last 15 years +. I could navigate with my eyes blindfolded in the lake that we hunt on opening day. I always heard stories about people getting lost in the I understand how easy it is to lose you bearing when you dont have ANY land marks or a sense where you are. Even when you have hunted an area for 25 years. Well my brother comes down from Ontario for the first day. On our trip to our blinds I piloted us unevently through the river and a 15m wide water way leading to the lake. ONce we passed a bridge at the entrance to the lake I drove to where I could see in MY MIND the area we should be. Not even close.....end up we had to put to shore so I could figure out where I was on the lake . Told my brother wth certainty in my voice ..."I will know where we are once I get my feet on shore"...why wouldnt I, I have hunted there most of my life...I thought!! I steer the boat to where i think the shore is .We both jump out of the boat, leaving our other hunting buddie sitting there, My brother asks innocently "ok do you know where you are at?" I pause, after looking around looking for something ....anything that looks familiar in the dark and fog.... i answer " I have no freaking idea!!" Then there was this awkward silents for about 15 sec. Then he says "you know,... it will be light soon" now that was something I was fully aware and well, pissed me off royally. I walk along the shore for what seem to be quite a ways. Findly found some land marks and got my bearings. I get back to the boat, and we drive it along the shore to where we reach a point that is directly across the lake from where we need to get to our blinds. "Made it "I said to myself. I told my brother we just have to drive straight across the lake which was a distance approximately 350 -400 m. Straight line drive. So I line the boat up to gets us to the other side and start driving.........and driving.........and driving. Well this goes back to the phrase lost in the fog. It turns out that when I thought I was holding the motor on a straight line course... it in actuality just a slightest of the mark, can make you not go straight!! My brother looks at me ... as even it dawn on him ....that we should be on shore by now. We eventually run on shore exactly where i had put to shore to find my bearing. Well the story end with us getting to our blind JUST before daylight. Which is turns out the fog did not lift until 1pm that day. But it was a great hunt regardless how it starts out. JUst a story a wanted to share.....since we still have 7 month to go.

here are a few pics from a couple hunts I have had in 2007
Ox island duck hunt with boat and dekes

Goose hunt

Dec 15th duck hunt


Leave it to Mike to have a wild critter runnin around the house and yard,your to much ,me dad had skunk and racoon for pets ,me and my sister had 2 ravens we couldnt feed them enough and there parents showed up so we let them go we thought they were left to fend on there own..

gotta love them old pics

was he friendly or a sneaky dawg Mike???
yup been there and done that i wonder how many others here have done that,,mine was out in a bay heading towards the ocean when i heard the rollers i turned around and went with them back the way i came lololol waited till i could see ...

nice pics nice set ups


oh and how much snow you got roflmao in feet so the guys know..i heard you guys got whacked again....