Midwest get together...


We've been dealing with parents' health issues this year, and have been out of town most weekends as a result. I'm not sure yet whether I can be around on Aug 6.

But I'm happy to keep the date if there are enough people planning to show up. If not, I can cancel the reservation on the shelter and we can reschedule for next year.


I'm thinking pretty seriously about coming.... I want to show the other members of the DHBP that not all people from this part of Iowa are like McCann.... ha ha

You mean there is someone more perculiar than Dave?

Mark W

IF I act anything like Dave it's got be the result of working with him for 20 years... But your right, Dave is a perculiar sort!
Could you please give me the location and times?

If I am off work, I'd like to attend.

Uncle Mike

August 6 -7. Goose Island Campground in LaCrosse, WI. A few people may show up Friday night. Saturday a few more sho up. People fish, swap stories, tell tall tales and have a few drinks all day Saturday. Sunday is the actual get together. Starts anytime you get there. People bring boats, decoys, motors, anything duck related. We float a few boats and take turn paddling around. Lunch is mid afternoon. Rick has been kind and provided the main meat and others have brought ther items to compliment.

Great place to meet other midwest hunters.

Mark W
Just need to bring this to the top again and let everyone know some things have come up and I will not be able to attend either. Everyone enjoy and I will put it on the calander for next year when planning to go back to work is not part of the equation. Everyone - Have a good time and I'll be thinking of you.
It looks like only two or three people are committed to coming this year. Probably best to cancel this year's event and look to next year.
Rick -

Be there for your family. I can't go either as I wrote to you in a PM. I'd say cancel if there are only 3. Get it off your mind.

Mark W
If there are several guys who just want to get together at the campground this weekend, there's no reason not to do that. But I just don't see it coming together as the big event it has been the past few years.

I think that is best. I wanted to come down but if its going to be a small group then I think I will wait for next year when I can meet more of the members.
Yes--I think it would be a disappointment to travel down from the UP and meet only a few of the duck page guys. We'll do it right next summer.
Rick, That sounds like the thing to do for this year.It has always been a great time but this year just can't do it for me.