Mojo decoys or any other type of spinning wing decoys ?

Seems I've upset some people with my question about the effectiveness of motion decoys. I'm a relatively "new" hunter; one full season under my belt thus far. I am enamored with this fantastic sport. I would never, ever consider doing ANYTHING unethical with this sport. I was merely asking a question about something that I felt was very relative. Especially, since I know that so many others are using them. Again, sorry if I hurt anyone's' feelings. If I did....too bad. I can almost guarantee that some of you complainers have shot at ducks before or after legal shooting time. Some of you have probably even fired at ducks that were not even flying but, swimming into your decoys. So, don't cast judgement on others for asking a very relative question. Clearly, these decoys are selling because every company is manufacturing them. Every hunting store I know of, both big box retailers and mom and pop shops are offering them for sale. Not saying that I'm buying one tonight but, one day I may. I firmly agree that the ducks have most definitely become smarter after being exposed and seeing these devices. Any species would.

Well, I've hunted ducks for over fifty years and learned from scratch mostly on my own. Next duck season I will be 74 years old. I can still remember my first hunt. Since then a sequence of many Labs spent countless hours preparing for our adventures in the marsh. Over the years things change. Some of the "rules" can be irritating.....but you learn to live with them because in reality there is often no choice. Year to year they have not been all that dramatic, but over a fifty year span the “drama” can be rather overwhelming.

I've always been a proponent of doing what is allowed....even if others object. We all have the right to interpret the often "hazy" quandary of ethics. The Internet makes it possible for complete strangers to spend countless hours explaining themselves. What is hilarious is the somewhat pompous spouting of "My ethics are better than yours". I do have to admit this thread made me do more than chuckle.

I wasn't even going to post because I've come to grips with someone on the Internet is wrong.....again, but then I read this.

When I see Mojo's they make me furious. And every hunting party I ever run across still has at least three of em now. Because two just doesn't do it anymore. They're like crack for duck hunters. I don't even want to talk to people who use them.

So, there are some honest thoughts on mechanical decoys for you to consider. Do as you will. Just know that there are some who will pass judgment on you if you chose to go that route. I promise I will.

To put my reaction in the proper perspective, I had a rather extensive shoulder surgery two weeks ago. I talked my doctor into delaying the "repair" so that I could get some duck hunting in this fall. So right now it is two weeks post surgery and any movement/therapy is painful. When I read the above quote, I laughed so hard my shoulder hurt. So I decided to write this post.....after taking an extra pain pill....and even then after all that I applied my "rule of posting" to the effort. It reads like this......Is it really necessary to push the "POST REPLY" prompt?

Still chuckling regards, Jim


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