monthly highlights

Chris Finch

Well-known member
its been a while since i have posted on here. I wish I could say I have been to busy hunting/spearing/gathering/carving but Nikki and I are are working our butts off.

i have been squeezing in as much fun as possible.

opening early season goose with my cousin (a 20minute scull)

i finished my first woody, it was a lot of work but i learned a lot and had a bunch of fun working on him

we got on the shrooms during the one time we got rain this fall. (of course the jeep blew the starter 2 miles in the woods and Nikki's dad towed us out with the F-550) then the battery died the next weekend. Damn Jeeps.

my buddy got into the sulfurs real good two days later and we filled our freezers (no pics)

opening morning with Nikki and my observer buddy. went to a new spot, set up at 2 and didn't even see another boat not a bad day at all!!!

Tog Porn!!!!!

collars+ heads+full racks= a few gallons of stock and Chowdah!!! later in the winter

big bag

early season closer with my observer buddy and my cousin who came home from college for the october break. 1 hen mallard, 1GW teal, 4 gaddies and 2 baldpates

i finnally got a band in the scull too.


Looks like you're finding at least some time to get afield......congratulations!

Very nice work on that Woodie - excellent combing on the sides and the back sue looks nice and subtle.

All the best,

Chris: Thanks so much. Loved the recounting. Great you had a decent opener and closer. Are blackfish, Tautog, the best eating fish in the sea? Used to think so. I did not spear them, bought them off the draggers in Port Jeff when then were considered just above trash fish.
Thanks again.
Best close shore species. Next is Black Sea bass. I love fluking but niether winter or summer flounder are on the top of my list. I have never gotten into weakfish though.....

Steve the woody was a blast. I kept asking Pete for pointers but I pretty much winged it and was happy with it. Already started my next one and made some changes.
Great stuff Chris! You've spent more time in the field than I have this month. That wood duck decoy is EXCELLENT!

The kids have had us running since school started; soccer, scouts, college visits, getting ready for our Halloween party, etc. I think things will slow down a bit for us after our big party this weekend. Just in time too as duck season and trapping season open this weekend.
Looks like to me your working your butt off hunting and fishing. LOL.......Great stuff!.......2 more weeks of waiting then watch out ducks!