Most unlikely place you have seen waterfowl....

A Suzie nesting in my neighbor's shrub in our suburban neighborhood. She came back year after year.
a nice drake whistler in a cheavy dealership retention pond two springs ago. had pictures of him on my cell until i got a new phone.

and i shot teal a few years back out of our sh** pit at the farm here before it became operational.

A duck landed on the ridge of the neighbor's roof when I was a kid. I don't know what kind, but it's legs were centered under the body, so it'd have to be a puddle duck. It perched there a few minutes and flew off.
Here's another...I saw several dozen mallards walking amongst the cattle in a big feed lot near Yankton, SD picking corn out of the cow shit
Well, let's see, mallard nesting next to my garage and woodies in my big maple tree are both fairly common around here. One place that shocked me when I first saw it was in an old beaver pond at 9500 ft. elevation. Just last week a flock of mallards flew over the marsh at 9000 ft. in the mountains of Colorado. What the heck are they doing up there?
15 air miles from the Snake River which was the closest "unfrozen" water.....6" of snow on the ground and temps below 10 degrees....Debby was with me and had gone to the truck early to get warm...when Buddy and I walked back to the truck she had the motor running and the heat on....snow had fallen since we parked the night before so the ground under the truck was bare of I walked up to the truck from the rear I "thought" I saw something brown "leave" from the front of the truck...low to the ground and fast....didn't think much of it and got in the truck cab to get warm.....

Five minute later a hen Mallard, (if she was hurt it wasn't obvious from her flight or landing), flew towards the truck, low to the ground like hawks and owls often do, and landed about 10' from the front of the truck, mantled, and promptly walked under the truck...

I looked at Debby and she had the same, "did I just see a duck fly up to and then walk under the truck"?, look on her face....I opened the door, leaned out and looked under the truck....the hen was sitting, her head already tucked under her head under the muffler.....

She left when I got out an hour later to hunt again but Debby said she came back almost immediately.....

Now you tell me two things....

First--what the ehck was a duck doing fifteen miles from water to begin with


Second--how did she know that the muffler would be warm?

(and if someone says that she was flying over, saw the truck, knew it would be warmer under the muffler, and dropped down for a rest then I may never shoot another Mallard as long as I live cause thats a SMART duck.....

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Everyday in my parents swimming pool through the summer. Then into his bird garden to eat the corn he puts out for them. I would like to think its the same pair for the last 3 years now. The worst that happens is they preen in the pool.
When I worked in downtown Orlando, there was a wintering flock of blue bills that would spend their days on Lake Eola. The would come for popcorn just lark park mallards! I loved seeing them!


Dani I heard all this honking from the backyard and looked outside to see my neighbor throwing them pieces of bread! She said they looked hungry! Nobody wanted to get in the pool after that.
Few years ago my wife and I had a house that was surrounded by corn fields and soy beans. The drive way was black top and between the pole barn and garage was a rather large section. One day there was a little rain, just enough to get the driveway wet. I stepped out the back door and four mallards came sailing by me about 10 feet away just abovethe drive way with their wings cupped. I jumped into my blind (a bush by the house) and watched them work the drive way for a few passes. The best part was the property was surrounded by thirty foot pines and they would come through them, wings cupped pitching side to side, then work through the garage and house. Closest to a true timber hunt I have come yet!
A common eider in the parking lot at work, work is inland about 30 miles from the water, i walked up to it about 6 ft away, it just looked at me for a minute, got up took a pee and took off.
This year in town I have seen ducks sitting on the roof of houses and resting under a parked jeep on the street! they have nested next to peoples front doors. Also, they follow the gulls to fast food parking lots.
