Motor covers...

Steve Steffy

Well-known member
Anybody have any good ideas for a motor cover other than paint? I went over to Gander Mtn and picked a cover up that is supposed to fit up to a 15 hp motor. Well I have a 15 horse on my boat and the stinking think won't go on. Cabela's no longer carries least I couldn't order one on line. Has anybody tried the camo-clad stuff? Pros? Cons?

I was really hoping to get the boat out this week, but I can't believe any ducks are going to decoy in to a shiny new motor. Thanks for the help...

If you have a farm supply or feed store nearby, try to find an old burlap sack. they're not perfect, get a little heavy when wet, but I used them for years with a lot of success. I used to touch them up with a little spray paint first.

I use one now I got from Michael at Banks Boats. Works great.

Just an Idea.
I always paint my motors, Then use a burlap bag cut on one long edge. Bag wears out or runs away, get another one for free. :)
You know the sheets of grass you can buy pretty much anywhere that many people use to grass their boats, blinds etc? We always carry a few extra of these in our boats. This way once we get setup, you just throw a sheet over your motor, and it's completely covered. Of course my motor is also painted, so perhaps a white one would shine through, not sure, but i imagine it folded in half or two sheets for that matter would do the trick just fine.

These come in real handy because you can then cover anything else you have around that is also sticking out like a sore thumb, including yourself!
Just off the top of my head, but has anyone priced out an aftermarket cowl for an outboard?
Just thinking you could get an aftermarket hood and paint that one, then put the original back on when selling the motor?
Just a thought, no research has been attempted! :cool:
Cabelas makes a camo clad stick-on..I have one on my mercury, supposedly removable. If I had to do it again I would have been less of a pu$$y and painted it!
Anybody have any good ideas for a motor cover other than paint? I went over to Gander Mtn and picked a cover up that is supposed to fit up to a 15 hp motor. Well I have a 15 horse on my boat and the stinking think won't go on. Cabela's no longer carries least I couldn't order one on line. Has anybody tried the camo-clad stuff? Pros? Cons?

I was really hoping to get the boat out this week, but I can't believe any ducks are going to decoy in to a shiny new motor. Thanks for the help...

I've got one of these on my 25hp. Cabelas had them in the bargain cave for $5. I had to do a little cutting and sewing but it fits now. Bass pro has the larger size.
Thanks for the ideas guys...and the heads up on the Camo-Clad. I think I am going tore-open my sweatshop and put my wife to work with her overpriced sewing machine.

I wouldn't know where to look for an aftermarket hood, but thats not a bad idea either.


I made my own cover with leftover material that I had from making my blind. It's made from cordura, nylon webbing, and heavy duty thread from Wal-M... I then used my wife's chepo sewing machine and went to town. It's a little tight once I get the camo material in, but not too bad. Hope this helps.

I'm having trouble posting my pictures, but I hope I can figure this out. Sorry some of the pictures are so small. Maybe you can copy them to your computer and zoom in on them.


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I never wanted to paint my old Evinrude. I used to just put a camo cabelas deoy bag over top of it. The bag was about 10 or 15 bucks and covered a 25 evinrude without a problem.
Hey David,

Where did you get that fold up outboard motor stand? Considering the limited space that I have in my garage that would be a very handy item to have when the motor is on the boat!

