Mourning doves

Luke Berkey

Well-known member
Mourning doves are pretty common around here but at tines this winter I have had an entire flock roosting in a spruce tree on the south side of my house. I have counter over three dozen around the feeder at one time.



They have some really pretty colors when you really look at them.




Good job, Luke. They sure look healthy. Any problems with local raptors or did they escape their wrath?
We have a flock of them in Mullica Hill; my wife likes to see them in the back yard. I on the other hand wonder why we don't have a dove season; I understand their lifespan is very short.
They do have nice colors when the light hits them just right. There best feature is they taste so good marinated in teriyaki and wrapped in bacon on the grill! Yummmmmm Kenneth too bad you don't have a season they sure will hone your shooting skills. Fast and maneuverable as a little jet fighter.
Wonderful photo's of my favorite gamebird. Thank you.They are pure joy to watch, hunt & Eat. Also they decoy very well, and it's good to carve a rig of your own. They breed from Feb. to Sept. There is a pair at out feeder now, even in deep snow. Two were killed by a hawk near the feeder, each time only feathers were left behind. They are the rabbits of the bird world, everything preys upon them.

Three very good books about Doves: The Dove Shooter's Handbook - by Dan Russell
Doves and Dove Shooting -by Byron W. Dalrymple
Dove Hunting - by Charley Dickey
Nice photos of one of my favorite birds. Doves are just cool birds. They fly fast, they add a wonderful sound to warm spring mornings, they are pretty little birds and they taste great.

We have lots of them here in the hills of southern ohio,i can't remember when the season was instituted but there seems to be more of them since they have been hunted.
I made a quail feeder and placed it in the brush where i have seen quail the doves have taken over,doesn't take them long to go through a 50lb bag of milo.
I love waterfowl hunting for the decoy and calling aspect of it but always seem to have the most fun on dove hunts. The dog always get more work in too. Awesome pics!!!!