Moving to Jersey

Paul Tychsen

Active member
It's been awhile since I contributed. I apologize for that. I have many photos and stories from the 2012 season to share. I was fortunate enough to hunt 43 days this season. The weather cooperated quite well to enable many open water hunts.

Below are a few pics from the season. I have many more, and one of these days I will go through them to share.

Opening Weekend in Northern Wisconsin:
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Layout Hunting:
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Getting dropped off in the shallows for an evening hunt (no, I wouldn't hunt big water with my dog and I in a Marshrat.....again):
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Hunting with my father and a friend. The birds turned on a couple hours into the morning:
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Now.....the real motivation for the post. I am relocating with my company to New Jersey. My home city will be Somerset. I've reached out to a couple of you already, but I'm very interested in making some new friends in the area. I've found this state (NJ) to be rich in waterfowling heritage and to house many passionate hunters.

I had initial plans to bring all of my boats to NJ, but after researching storage costs, I changed my tune. I'll be bringing out an 18ft center console, a widgeon sneakbox, a layout and my marshrat. I figure to start things off, that will give me some options. I spent that last 2 off seasons working on my dream rig, a 24ft aluminum duckboat equipped with 2 layouts. She's finally done, and I have to put her in storage. Perhaps at a later date, I can post the story of the boat's rebirth which involved everything from tearing out the cabin to converting it from an i/o to an outboard....but I digress.

I plan to do some scouting on the ocean nearby, and also down to barnegat bay in the next month or so. If anyone would like to talk ducks and spend an afternoon driving, PM me.

Paul and Canvas

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Good Luck on the move. I trust congrats on the job transfer are in order. And welcome to the fine little state of NJ. I am on my second tour. Didn't particularly care for my first time through. With age and time, I was able to look back on that time and think differently about it. I took a transfer back to NJ a little over four years ago. I haven't regretted a day of it since. We have a great little state. As you mentioned, it is rich in waterfowling history and there are plenty of things to do in the off season too.
Welcome Paul! As I prepared to begin my 2012 season, it was ended for the year when Hurricane Sandy pushed through Ocean County. My home was spared with 2' of water creeping within 100 yards of my home. As the deputy chief of my town's EMS agency, we are still busy working with FEMA and recovering from the damage. Only recently have I started to venture outside of Lacey Township and the area immediately surrounding us. The devastation is far worse than I had imagined. After speaking to several law enforcement officers and some friends in areas to the North and South of us, the waters in and around our entire bay are still loaded with debris, much of it submerged. So be careful as you begin exploring and make sure you always have a "Plan B." To end on a positive note, our bay, rivers and ponds are all presently loaded with a variety of waterfowl. As you would imagine, their plumage is brilliant as they near breeding season. Again, welcome as a partner helping to maintain our rich heritage and enjoy all the area has to offer.

PS... We have some great local conservation groups, from DU to Delta and NJ Waterfowlers... all with outstanding membership and goals. I hope you might consider joining and/or supporting them after you get settled.
if you like old decoys Sat the 23rd of this month NJ decoy Collectors hold a Show at the Parkertown Fire Hall,NJ waterfowlers may have some duckboats displayed too the next day 24th Frank and Frank hold a decoy auction at the nearby Eagleswood Fire hall, and dont forget the end of september the 2 day hunting and decoy show in Tuckerton.. at Seaman Park and the Seaport
What part of Jersey are moving to ? If your moving to north Jersey you might have to get some gold chains , a spray tan and some hair gel .
Wow Paul, a young man like you coming to the promised land........There is plenty of hunting around and you can get to a lot of the state from where you are going to be. If you are a big water diver guy, which I am not, Raritan Bay will be close by. Barnegat Bay and all of the bays behind the barrier islands can be good and are easy to access. You also have some reservoirs and rivers in central and north central Jersey you can check out. Goose hunting in particular is good within 30-40 miles of your town. And I hope you like to pay a lot of taxes, because you will.
Congrats again on the promotion good friend.

Will miss sharing the blind with you 5 or more days a week like we have for the past few seasons. I hope you make it back to the midwest in the future. I think God was looking out for me knowing that you were re-locating by also having me move away from the big water, you have taught me a lot about safety while in open waters.

Good luck and be sure to call me the first time the tide goes out on you on a flat and you are waiting for it to return ;)

Just 208 days until north opener!

I didn't duck hunt when I did my Jersey tour. (Newark and Denville, 1989-92.) But if you want some info on wild trout streams or shad fishing, send me a pm. There is some surprisingly wild country in NW Jersey out along the Delaware River. Only place I ever kicked up bears while trout fishing, and I've been beating around northern Maine for the better part of 30 years. It was common to see bears on two of the streams I used to fish--and tracks and scat were everywhere.

Turkeys and deer like you read about in a Daniel Boone story.
Thanks for the kind words and welcome everyone! It is much appreciated.

I look forward to participating in some NJ waterfowl get-togethers and meeting many of you. Please keep me informed of upcoming events.

Paul and Canvas
Good luck with this transition. I enjoyed seeing those pictures from this past season. Looks like you did well.