The thing is: You do not have to run a shorttail as fast as it will go once you get in the stumps, etc. You can run them at a slow, sensible speed when you are in stuff that might hurt if you hit it....just common sense. However, it gives you the option of better handling to avoid things, AND higher speed to cover distances faster when needed. If you plan on running 25mph through stump fields, then even an all-welded, one-piece, 1/8" plate hull boat is gonna take some dents. If you want to be a bull in a china shop with a MM, then a heavier hull is the ticket. If you just merely want to be able to get through the rough stuff to get to your spot and drive sensibly, then almost any hull material/thickness will do. Glass boats aren't made for that either, but many run them and they last and do well. Bottom line: drive for your boat, not for your motor.LOL