my duck

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
How many of us have that one friend that claims every duck. You know when every body pulls the trigger at the same time. And he always yells! I got that one. I don't care if he didn't even shoot at the same bird, he claims yours. I hunted with a few guys like that, Notice! I said hunted with. I'm sure you all know that guy. We use to call him I got it.
we generally take turns

if shots are sparse its one goes first then the other

its more likely i will hear "you got that one" when i thought i missed

but- yes- some one like that would be a one time hunting partner

Some times it funny but other times it really get my goat. I must of done it myself but not alot when I really thing I hit it. But I always say doesn't matter who shoots the bird.What matters is how many Ducks are in the boat

MY Son!! lol.

My son is just getting confident wing shooting, but the old man still has it.. Funny how he never seems to hear my gun go off?? I never understood as a kid why my older brothers and father let me shoot first, now I get it.

So true, I always let my boy shoot first or even my friends. After two or three shots. The bird is still flying. I shoot kill the bird and they say: I shot their cripple. That is what makes duck hunting so much fun.

It is annoying, but frankly its a venial sin in my opinion.

Now, what's a lot more entertaining, is if you're hunting with more than 2-3 people, one comes in low and fast and gets smoked maybe a little closer than what's ideal for meat preservation, and someone asks, "Who was THAT?" and no one answers...

I did that once with a gadwall that caught the group by surprise, I was on the end, and we were actually loaded for goose, I hit him about 12 feet over my layout blind and decapitated it.
anthony m coons sr said:

Some times it funny but other times it really get my goat. I must of done it myself but not alot when I really thing I hit it. But I always say doesn't matter who shoots the bird.What matters is how many Ducks are in the boat

You would not gun at my duck shack. There is a one person limit not a boat limit. It seems like you watch to many tv. shows were one bird comes in & everyone shoots then yells & jumps up & down. Very poor form old boy.

It happens when you hit a bird head on. Not much for the table. Yes! the you talk about your friends that is really alright. Because sometime you really don't know who's duck it is.


Everyone has done it, and most of the time a good hunter believes the he hit it. But I'm talking about the pain in the butt hunter that couldn't hit the side of a barn on a good [sly]day. That really gets my goat when they claim someone else game.


Just read your post, I think you miss read what I am was saying. I don't care who shoot the duck. Just as long as we have some duck to take home to eat . Not full the boat up. Just put the ducks in the boat to go home with a nice meal
I have just the opposite problem. I hunt with my brother who is 78 and doesn't like to clean ducks. If we both shoot He immediatfly shouts out "nice shot your duck " than we get into a discussion on who really killed the duck.

First let me say God Bless your brother still hunting at seventy eight. Second let e say your story is so funny. I man that doesn't claim his bird so his brother can clean them. Pretty smart. Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

My hunting partner and I took our sons on opening weekend and we had a great shoot on green wings and after every group of birds that came in the kids claimed every one of them. I didn't say anything because I want my son to build up confidence in his shooting. I took my son out later in the year on a bluebill hunt and let him have at it and enjoyed the show. He missed a few and hit a couple. I think he realized he wasn't quite as good of shot as he thought he was.
Yup, I used to hunt with a guy who claimed every duck shot as his. Two things... he shoots at everything and rushes every shot. Once I made the decision to stop hunting with him I was amazed at the number of great hunts I had. Ducks got closer and the bag was plentiful. I never looked back although he still calls me saying "we should get together to hunt".

Your a great Dad. I did the same for my son. He is hooked now just like me. In this case my duck turned your son into a life duck
hunter . Good for you


Good for you, great move getting rid of your partner. I lost one or two of them like that over the years. Never took them again. Never felt bad about it.
