My Mistake

Worth Mathewson

Active member
Sorry, When I posted that I have seen next to zero ducks in western Oregon, I made two mistakes: First, not getting the ok from Brad B. to state that, and second not being entirely clear about the region I was speaking about. When I stated western Oregon, I was speaking largely about the Willamette Valley. I didn't include the coastal bays or the lower Columbia River. I have heard that there are good numbers of ducks over there. I wouldn't know, as after Dave Boys' death, and my very near one, I haven't hunted the coast since. Nor will I ever. So my statement left out the most important locations in the Northwest. Thanks, Brad, old men need help keeping things straight. As for Nevada, I made a point of asking the biologist who told me of only seeing four ducks on Stillwater (I called it "famed" because I couldn't remember the name at the time of my posting--more old age, as I have hunted there several times) if the water was ok. He told me it was, at least good enough to attract the ducks and swans that are always there this time of year. Since he started out his career working the check station at Stillwater, my guess is he knows what he is talking about. But to be on the safe side, I'll get him to ok that with Brad B. As I write this it is 5:35am. Here in the Willamette Valley everything is frozen solid. But in about another half hour I will get Lab Paige, and go down below the house to our 20 acres. Very tame waterfowling. I might see A Duck, but certainly aren't counting on it. Worth Mathewson
I haven't been too impressed with the season so far on the lower Columbia. The ducks just aren't here like last season.

I would take up knitting. That is just way to easy. I much prefer the long day sit for the three to five at a pass we see on our good days.
Kinda looks like what I had this morning, but they were all widgeon and ringers with a few mallards, gadwall and teal.

Hey Brad, are lessers the predominant scaup on the Columbia? Seems like we have lessers, maybe a few greaters showing up now.
Brad I think you managed to prove the point with that picture why there are very few ducks here in western, oregon. They are all held up in washington and on the columbia. All season we here have been waiting for a big storm or freeze north of us to push the birds from your picture south to us.

I guess Brad B knows where the divers are but is any one seeing puddlers? Spent quite a bit of time in Clark and Cowlitz counties scouting the past two days. Today, I just decided to get brownie points. Hopefully we will see a good push soon.
The scaup on the Lower Columbia, are predominantly Greaters, at least the ones that I have seen and shot. Hunted down there yesterday and had a great bluebill hunt. Puddle ducks were scarce, but we managed to bag a few.
I agree that there is lots of ancedotal evidence of lack of puddle ducks around the state. One of the places I hunt, is near a refuge area that holds lots of birds during the season, this year the most I have seen in there is a couple of hundred birds. The good thing is, there is lots of season left and am hoping it will get better.

Kinda looks like what I had this morning, but they were all widgeon and ringers with a few mallards, gadwall and teal.

Hey Brad, are lessers the predominant scaup on the Columbia? Seems like we have lessers, maybe a few greaters showing up now.

I think of your last hunting trip on the coast everytime I hunt there. I appreciate you sharing your very personel and tragic story, it has made me a safer hunter. I hope some ducks find their way to your pond this year.
Paul John
I can't help but feel a negatvie vibe coming from this thread and the other one regarding lack of ducks this season. I hope I'm just reading into them more than their intentions.

Anyway, as for ducks, yesterday Cassidy and I had a great hunt on the Columbia near Quincy, WA. We were able to bag three mallards and one widgeon. We lost another widgeon there was so much sun and enough chop that I couldn't spot in the boat and it was swimming too fast for Cassidy. Other than the lost bird on open water, it was a great day.

I'll post pics soon. I don't want to hyjack this thread.

Like I said earlier, I hope I"m reading more into this thread than everyone's intentions. I fell in love with this forum for positive and constructive attitudes. If I wanted negativity I would turn on the TV or move closer to my family.

Best Regards,
Bummed to read Worth's posts on duck numbers in his home waters and Nevada. It's not good news, when a hunter and bird lover, with a lot of experience tells you the numbers of ducks is way down.


Sorry, When I posted that I have seen next to zero ducks in western Oregon, I made two mistakes: First, not getting the ok from Brad B. to state that, and second not being entirely clear about the region I was speaking about. When I stated western Oregon, I was speaking largely about the Willamette Valley. I didn't include the coastal bays or the lower Columbia River. I have heard that there are good numbers of ducks over there. I wouldn't know, as after Dave Boys' death, and my very near one, I haven't hunted the coast since. Nor will I ever. So my statement left out the most important locations in the Northwest. Thanks, Brad, old men need help keeping things straight. As for Nevada, I made a point of asking the biologist who told me of only seeing four ducks on Stillwater (I called it "famed" because I couldn't remember the name at the time of my posting--more old age, as I have hunted there several times) if the water was ok. He told me it was, at least good enough to attract the ducks and swans that are always there this time of year. Since he started out his career working the check station at Stillwater, my guess is he knows what he is talking about. But to be on the safe side, I'll get him to ok that with Brad B. As I write this it is 5:35am. Here in the Willamette Valley everything is frozen solid. But in about another half hour I will get Lab Paige, and go down below the house to our 20 acres. Very tame waterfowling. I might see A Duck, but certainly aren't counting on it. Worth Mathewson[/QUOTE]
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