My new chessie pup

Capt. Jack Passie

Well-known member
My new Chessie "Cindy" I picked her up on Thurs from Rich Youg in East Greenville PA


I had fer out in the field while I was bringing out some more stuffers . Thats Big Gus with a limit of Eider and Scoter I did the other day. The Pics arent great but thanks to Al Hansen and Phil Nowack I got them up
Capt Jack
She looks like a little beauty and with the older boy to show her the ropes, she,l do just fine, Im looking forward to seeing her grow up and your hunting Adventures. Thanks for posting the pictures mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Nice pup!
Our pups are about the same age, we'll need to compare progress from time to time!
Congratulations Jack!

I hope Cindy turns out to be all you hope for.

Do you know if she has Briar, Nugget Hills Briarose in her pedigree?

If you talk to Rich or Rachel mention that Tom and LuAnne say hello.

merry Christmas a week early. Looks like you found the present.

What a way to spend the next 6 months.

Have fun.
Thanks guys. I've had Chessies all my life. Five of them are buried in my back yard, but I'm just curious. Now Gus came from Cape Cod so when he barks its with a New England accent. Carl and Dave do your dogs bark with a southern drawl? As she comes along I'll try to post more pics.
Congrats on the pup. I love those comparison shots with her amoung the stuffers. I can't help but notice , is that some old potato farm equipment you used for the stuffers base?
John, Years ago we use to use digger link, it was free and laying along side every lot. But modern equipmet dosen't use that kind of track anymore. I still have some of the old bases. I think all of the ones I brought out in that pit are 3/8" rebar. It cost me $20 a length they cut it into 42" pieces for me and I bend it in a vice, works fine.
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Just thought I would ask. I have seen them used out on the east end.
Those links make a good stand.
Keep the new pup working and post up a few more photos.
What a great looking pup, Jack. Best of luck with Cindy's training. I'll bet Big Gus will be helping you more than you think. I, for one, will be looking forward to more pictures.
Thanks guys. I've had Chessies all my life. Five of them are buried in my back yard, but I'm just curious. Now Gus came from Cape Cod so when he barks its with a New England accent. Carl and Dave do your dogs bark with a southern drawl? As she comes along I'll try to post more pics.

Well Capt. Jack, I have to admit, both mine and my Chessies bloodlines are Yankee. I was born in Southwestern PA, and she is from Chicago, but we both love the South, and may have just a little drawl!