My New Diver Rig Worked

Tom Rowe

Active member
Here is a shot of the new rig. Some of the sleepers are still wet.


Couple shots of it out on the water.



Some of the results from the other day. I thought it was pretty cool. It's not very often that we shoot one of every diver that's in our area all in the same day. Only thing missing is a Ringneck. Unfortunately they are very few and far between where I hunt this time of the year.



Nice job on the decoys and the ducks! Two drake broadbill, two drake redhead, and a drake can would be a perfect morning for me. I'm still waiting to get a can.

I like that tight knot of decoys you have on the right side of the second decoy spread picture.
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That is a great looking spread... and bag... I am only wishing that I was hunting with you! Good job!