My new little guy


Well-known member
Today was the day to pick out my pup. Here is Deuce.

Thankfully he likes car rides and slept all the way home.

I was going to pick a different pup but this one had really caught my eye last time and got the rest of me on this visit. He isn't the classic looking Wirehair but I think he will fit my needs very well. I never want to have the first choice of 5 pups again. :)

Look at this classic point... OK it was just really good timing while he was trotting.


This seems to be his general feeling towards his collar.


Now we just need some nice weather. Be prepared for a few photo posts this spring and summer.


Congrats on the new pup. I really like the GWPs. Several of my buddies have them and I get the fortune to train and hunt with them quite frequently. They really are a handsome multi-colored breed.

Enjoy your years to come.

Thanks guys.
It is amazing how in just 6 hours he is attached to me. Won't let me out of his sight... and if he does I best get him outside ASAP. HAHAHA Already one incident but he finished outside so it was a learning experience.
Going from 6 pups to play with to just one guy trying to entertain him has to be a shock, for one of us. :)

Congrats!!!! I've found the hardest thing is to teach puppies is their name isn't "NO." In your case teaching him, that his name isn't "NO Deuce", Or "Dang-it Deuce" or "Leave it Deuce" or "No bite Deuce"...and get ready for the.. "here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here" :)

I had a good friend that I thought his chessies' name was "NO Whitey." That's all the guy ever said he-he! Good luck. That's great he doesn't get car sick, I had a chessie that did, took her a few years to grow out of it, I guess some dog's never do. My GWP hasn't gotten sick either which sure appreciate.-Seth
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The "No!"s have started. He'll learn pretty quickly that if I get to the point of calling him "DAWG!" he is in real trouble, sort of like your mother using your middle name. :)

Next time he'll probably throw up all over me. You can never tell with pups if they are car sick or just want to throw up on something.

Congratulations again Tim, the next few months will make first pick look like a cakewalk. :)

Wonderful looking pup. When my four yr old saw me looking at the picture and I told him his name was deuce he looked at me funny. My hunting partner just got a lab and his name is Deuce. Sam looked at me and said that's not Deuce, that's some other dog. Oh to be so carefree as a 4 yr old again. Keep the pictures coming, can't wait to watch him grow.

Deuce will be a bird machine, and you are going to have a blast with that dog!

I've never had a dog under 1 yr old... I wish I had, it just never worked out that way (yet)
That is great and best of luck!

You have a lot of awesome firsts coming up and a lot of great years ahead.

Other then the whining thing he seems to be a good smart pup. He is already getting the outside potty idea in his mind but today the temps have crashed. I don't care how tough a breeds the pup is from once it gets down below 0 they don't do well. I can't wait for warm weather, like 10 or 15 above. Poor pup, he may get to 'go' out in the garage and I'll work on correcting that once it warms up.

Other then the whining thing he seems to be a good smart pup.


First off, congrats on picking out a pup. I'm sure he will have you trained in short order. :>)

On the whining thing, are you talking about when he goes to bed at night and you are separated? I know some will say put a ticking clock nearby or similiar but (you are going to hate me for this) I always took the pup to the basement where I got out my sleeping bag and slept right along side his crate . Right on the floor along side him/her. It really calmed them down and I like to think it added to the bonding process. Might not have been the best rest for me but then again, my wife says I sleep like a rock and sound like a train. I tell her she does t##,,,,,,,,,,, ahh well , maybe that is best left unsaid.
Other then the whining thing he seems to be a good smart pup. He is already getting the outside potty idea in his mind but today the temps have crashed. I don't care how tough a breeds the pup is from once it gets down below 0 they don't do well. I can't wait for warm weather, like 10 or 15 above. Poor pup, he may get to 'go' out in the garage and I'll work on correcting that once it warms up.


I hear you with the outside house breaking in the dead of winter! Sucks all around.