My wife thanks I have an serious problem, HeHe

obsessive compulsive decoy ordering syndrome........all decoys and related outdoor recreational items shall have their own home and place, if the prescribed order is violated, additional storage shall be provided to prevent an immediate collapse of mental stability and well being....

Any appearance of the ownership of an excessive number of decoys or related outdoor recreational items, is strictly a temporary condition of the female mind and may be cured by repeating...."I am storing them for Orville until his new shop is built"

All liars shall be shot at sunrise and buried with the ashes of the said possessions that prompted the telling of tall tales....

Nice clean shop....want to come organize my mess?
Hi Gary,

First, thanks for sharing the pictures. It gives a lot of us the ability to share with our brides and say, "Hey, I haven't even gotten started yet."

Second, the short shafted camoed trolling motor. Did you make that or buy that? In either case can you please share some details?

Lastly, I have looked a the pictures a number of times and I cannot figure out in the last picture what the PVC pipe is for that runs near the trusses. It appears to run through the roof, but does not seem to be connected to anything.

My best,


PS, man I like your boats. I am not sure which one I like better.
Those Scoter sleds look pretty cool and very convenient to store; I think I need to make some of those. Nice Garage Gary, I only wish mine was that organized.
Gary - The only problem I see is when you put your decoys away on the shelf, you need to alternate drakes and hens. Other than that, I have no clue what Suzanne is talking about??????

Thank you for sharing your goodness Brother. Pat
I see a problem! Your wife is right!
I looked closely and I don't see a teal in the bunch. How can you have that many decoys and not at least have a few Greenwings?

I'd need an intervention from one of those hoarder shows if I had half that "stuff" just to get it not looking like a pile. I'd say your wife is lucky that you are organized.
