Gary, Think with your comitement to decoys and shooting gear, I really think you will get there in the end...
There are at least 3-4species of waterfowl that you dont have decoys for...what happens is your out one day and that lost spectacaled eider or emp goose comes along looking for a friend and you dont have some decoy friends for him..Best be ready..
I could also not see one of those remote milatary spy planes in there. How are you going to know what birds our out there if you dont get time to have a reckie, why your loading the boat up you could have one eye on your remote screen.. There you are, you can now tell your wife you have your next birthday gift, a spy plane, electric, with night vision, dont want to scare the birds.. Hell you could get her one, and if she seems not to use it much...seems a shame to have it just sitting there..
Great lucky chap..
Paul Scott