Name that Traveling Goldeneye

He has arrived in the UP and could be going hunting as soon as tomorrow morning. I have had a long discussion with him and he assures me that he knows exactly how to get the wood ducks and ringers to decoy so we will give it a try. He will not however tell me his name!

It has been....revealing???...watching this thread. I still do not understand the repeated support for James Brown's hit song "Popcorn" - but I guess some mysteries will just remain mysteries....

Of all the tendered monikers, I have to say that "Lord Yooper" has stuck with me. Perhaps I am a sucker for any honorific title - probably because my friends know me as "Cap'n Fowler".....

It is fun being part of this event.

All the best,

SJS (C. F.)
He is one tough SOB. I know all carvers fear the abuse that the decoys will suffer at the hands of the hunters he travels with. Being a carver myself I am extra careful to treat the decoy with care. Last night I rigged him with line and weight in preparation for a teal hunt this week. He assures me "the teal hens love a properly dressed man". So I set him on the edge of the dog box while getting a line for him. He tumbled off landed on top of his head on the concrete floor...!

He does not show any signs damage even in the paint. Amazing! Ill try and be more careful although a few shot holes might do him good.