Name the boat contest (well sort of, just no prizes)


You mentioned using this boat for a tender. With that in mind, if I weree laying in the layout and if got too rough, I'd want to go somewhere that was high and dry.

So your boat can be the "Miss High and Dry"
The Other Woman

Barely Legal

Or something practical like "OVERSIZE LOAD", if you are painting the name on the stern in large letters.
how about "the mistress" or
"the envy of mrs holley" or
"gunboat" or
"flight control" or

I like the already suggested "Holley Day".

Then there could be "Holley Hunter" which could be taken a couple of ways.

"Duck Tender" or "Tender, Duck"

Lets have some pics.

OK, here's another. if you drink miller or if you're an Eric Clapton, or none of the above;

In the High Life

and then there's

Hurry-up and Wait

so pick a name already, i'm speading way to much time thinking of this at work..eventhough it is more fun than work.
Alright Larry, I will pick a name. I think I am going with:

Legal Tender

Works on several different levels. I am a commercial banker, the boat might be just slightly larger than the legal limit, it's primary purpose is as a tender and it fits on the back of one of the pods.

Thanks all for your input.

Now back to work sanding.