Name the Houseboat

Paul, great work all around. I am very intrigued by this idea. With my primary boat use being saltwater, I wonder if a larger Carolina skiff would be a good candidate for something like this.

Do you have interior pics?
Nice work Paul. In the 70's there were quit a few of these cabin flat boats running the Mississippi river in our area. Practically every manufacturer offered a option. I remember my father foaming at the mouth over an Appleby at the annual boat show when I was a kid. He wanted so badly to be able to spend weekends at the blind in any kind of weather. It didn't come to be though. We spent those weekends in a big old canvas tent with an oil heater!. Great memories none the less.
Really like the name - 'Quack Shack'
I'm thinking I'll have the name cut into a wood plaque and screw it on the side of the cabin just below the roof line.

I won't be working on the interior until later this year but once I do I will post some pics.
Thanks Guys
Did you build your cabin from plywood or is it fiberglass? Could,t really tell from pics. I,m likeing that name. Buddy of mine who names his duck blinds used that one .
Sides are 1/4 inch ply over 2 x 2 - roof is 3/8 ply. I painted the roof carlings and stained & varnished the cabin lid before installing. Try to keep it light.
Something I might add if I were you is a hand/grab rail along top edge of roof line for that time you need to walk the gunnels or you might want to lash something down on roof top. Could be a good place to store decoys so they,re not under foot!
Good Thought - I suspect I'll be towing my other Jon Boat most of the time. been thinking about getting a smaller skiff like a Lund Ducker
Good morning, Paul~

I, too, have been enjoying this thread - had similar dreams earlier in my gunning life. And ZT's Successful Waterfowling remains a favorite.

I understand you'll have a railing at the stern. I might put grab rails on the front of the house, either side of your hatch (door?).

Maybe with a waterfowl theme.....

View attachment 5 Grabrails C.jpg

All the best,


Thanks Steve - I will be putting a leaning post at the helm, rails around the back (to keep the grandsons in) and grab rails on the corners.
I have to say I really enjoyed the Great South Bay Scooter piece from a few years ago. Shared with a number of friends that had built boats in the past and they enjoyed it as well.
Good morning, Paul~

Glad you enjoyed the Scooter story. My goal for January is to hunt the Ted Sanford on Great South Bay - and have the hunt filmed.

I look forward to your continued fine work on Quack Shack.

All the best,


Steve, let me know when you will hunt LI, I can try to bring the Dodge and Krowl up too.... I will already have my NY license from hunting Champlain in December.....
Good morning, Dave~

Will do.

I'm trying to keep my January clear so I can spring into action when I hear from my Great South Bay friends when the conditions are right.

See you in Tuckerton?


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Had a pretty full fall so I didn't get much done until recently. Put in the floor and painted same, roughed in the base cabinet, installed fore and aft cabin steps and roughed in the wall for the head. I have a little milk house heater the keeps the interior comfortable so I can work through the winter as time permits
Hi Gents
Its been a tough winter to work on the boat. I finally used the snow blower to get a path to the boat and installed a little milk house heater to warm the interior.
Here's a couple pics of the interior

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Once I get the dinette table, porta potti and stove in I will move outside and install the rails, running lights etc. I'm hoping for a maiden voyage before June 15th,
BTW the Quackshak name plate is done and will be installed shortly