Nancy Today & Duck Hunters

Wow... those folks can't ID their birds. At first I thought they were just pulling her leg but I think they were serious towards the end.

That was shot in Ontario, proud home of the Beer Store! Where do you buy beer? At the Beer Store of course.
Yeah, Nancy was open minded about the ducks and the hunters. She had a good sense of humor about it all. The hunters id skills were deplorable but they kept it light. They all had good sense of humor.
I want to go to the beer store. It offers educational (beer 101 & a beer certification program!) and culinary (boozy maple syrup) opportunities.
Now I know, every time I go hunting I have those guys that ski bust everything beside me. Well, Nancy found them for me.
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Even I could id those birds and we know how good I am at that sort of thing. Real bad. I actually was at the landing once whenn some guys got tickets cause they couldn't id the birds they shot. It was either that or the stupidity they displayed when the CO asked them that if they couldn't id the birds they were shooting, how could they know if they were breaking any bag limit laws to which these guys replied - we just keep shooting till we get our 6 ducks.

I liked this video, and I like how Nancy acted around these "hunters". I also love those government owned "Beer Stores" in Canada. Been to those a f ew itmes.

Mark W

When I was living in Northern VA, I saw a guy come into the game check station telling eveyone he had killed a snow goose....turned out to be a swan! Way too many beers
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The fact that she had the knowledge to understand the essential nature of the beer store to the hunting tradition, was a great start. The fact that she could laugh about the guy pulling her leg all through it was over the top. "Its a Loon." "You dont shoot Loons, do you? Really?"

This is why TV just cant keep up. The real thing is so much better.