NDR 9/11

I'm on the East Coast right now. Could have flown in this morning and out this evening. Call me a big chicken but I flew out here yesterday and am flying home tomorrow. Still uncomfortable flying on 9/11.

Mark W

We will never forget...
The first bombing of the trade center. Walking through the bombed out lobby of the Vista hotel, everyday that followed, wondering when will they try again.
The world changed that day. Life as we knew it would never be the same.

We will never forget...

The smoke rising from lower Manhattan as I stood at the edge of the shore with my kids watching the towers burn. Waiting to hear from friends and family members with information that everyone was ok. Trying to explain to them what was going on.

We will never forget..
The heroes that gave all and all the others that had been taken from us.

We will never forget...
How beautiful those Twin Towers were at sunrise. The first rays lighting up the top of the towers just before the sun peaked over the horizon. The start of a new day. Glistening water and those two big towers in the sunlight.
That is how we will remember,
but we will never, ever forget.