NDR - Nice ice fishing spot

Mark W

Well-known member
Was up on the North Shore last weekend and thought you might enjoy seeing one of the most picturesque ice fishing locations. Off in the background is Lake Superior.

That is horrible. Ugly. Horrendous. I would rather look at the wall in my concrete box.

yup.....green with jealousy

Didja catch anything?
Dani said:
That is horrible. Ugly. Horrendous. I would rather look at the wall in my concrete box.

yup.....green with jealousy

Didja catch anything?

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you could always copy, enlarge, print and hang it, on that concrete wall.
Huntindave McCann said:
Dani said:
That is horrible. Ugly. Horrendous. I would rather look at the wall in my concrete box.

yup.....green with jealousy

Didja catch anything?

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you could always copy, enlarge, print and hang it, on that concrete wall.

Huh? Out today. 8.2' of water in the weeds if you can believe it. I didn't. Little freshwater green shrimp seem to be the ticket
Boy, that does look pretty serene Mark.

Here's a picture of nice of nice brook trout we caught last week. It was even good enough to win the brook trout division of the derby that day.

brook trout.jpg
Huntindave McCann said:

Now there is a photo worthy of putting on the wall of Dani's concrete cubicle. [:)]

Always looking to add to my Wall
Very nice!!
How deep?
The reason I ask: there was a lake we iced for trout back up in PA.
They would be right next to the shoreline, 1-2' of water below the ice.
We'd have to be careful not to hit rocks when drilling holes!
The we'd lay down & shade the hole and handline a jig, watching the fish come up and take the bait. Loads of fun!.
Not much has changed Carl. We were in 4' of water on a rocky point in front of the house, a proven spot over the years. It is fun seeing a flag up!
That is a real nice looking spot you have there Mark. Is that walleye country?

Troy that is one fine squaretail!
That is very picturesque. Is it physically connected to the big lake? I could see ducks hiding there during a big blow.

Love the ice fishing pics.
LL Bean, a pack basket and a brookie, that's got to be one of the most north east woodsman pictures ever taken. Thanks for that, reminds me of being a kid in the Adirondacks a long long way from coastal GA.
Sorry for the no responses.

We didn't fish this location. Long sotry and I'll not bore anyone with it. We had gone there to fish, had the spot reserved and things changed.

It is not connected to the big lake but sits back in the hills. It is part of a very larger envirnmental learning center whose name I cant recall.

Friend has a place on the north shore right on Lake Superior. A few couples spent a few days up there hiking, touring, eating and even a little drinking.

Ice fishing aorund home has been tough this year. Poor early ice followed by heavy rain then heavier snow has made accessing the lakes nearly impossible. Couldn't walk out and drag 150 lbs of gear, couldn't drive out due to thin ice or deep snow. Then it got really warm and melted most of the snow and then it rained again. Tried to get out at this time but knew with 100% certainty that I would get stuck. There were 4-5 groups of us at the landing looking at each other and saying we would follow whoever went first. No one went. Finaly we got about 2.5 weeks of fishing in. Then it rained, then it snowed and then I went to Arizona for awhile

Hopefully upon getting back next week I can get out ice fishing again although the reports aren't looking so great.

Oh wel.......
