NDR The Black-chinned hummers are back!

Nice photos. Those are cool looking hummers.
Our Ruby-throats and Orioles should be showing up at about any time now. I hope they hold off for a few more days because (drum roll please) more snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. It has been in the 70s and 80s the past few days so it isn't going to stick around. Saw my first Martin of the spring over in my neighbors back yard this evening. Hope he has a little fat reserve for the rest of this week


I called some friends in Ortonville yesterday and they were telling me that there were still some patches of snow here and there. As for migrating birds let's hope the snow doesn't stick around too long.
The orioles have found the grape jam and I noticed that it needed to be replenished already. I haven't seen any western tanagers, however.