NDR Who just felt the Earthquake??

I was just leaving work in DC. Had been through one years ago in Assisi Italy. Folks in DC in panic mode, some fainted some having breakdowns. First time for lots of folks. Everyone evacuated into the street, traffic backed up as folks wouldnt get out of the street to let you through. Not making a joke of it as for some it was a real bad feeling but man we need to practice evacuation procedures in the Capital.

Bill V
I was sitting on a wicker couch in the screen porch, (North Jersey Coast). My lab, Millie, loves to go in the back of the couch and rub against the wicker using the wall to push off, so when the couch started to move back and forth, I called out to Millie knock it off, but then I realized she was up on he couch with me, I got a little nervous ... what the h&%$ is under me. Then it stopped, very strange feeling, Millie looked up at me and then went back to sleep. Waited for an after shock, didn't happen.
It was rocking pretty good here in Bethesda, MD. It took me a couple seconds to figure out what was going on, no big deal. Lots of other people were freaking out and running for the doors though. I had a friend up in Fryeburg, ME who felt it too.
I was just leaving work in DC. Had been through one years ago in Assisi Italy. Folks in DC in panic mode, some fainted some having breakdowns. First time for lots of folks. Everyone evacuated into the street, traffic backed up as folks wouldnt get out of the street to let you through. Not making a joke of it as for some it was a real bad feeling but man we need to practice evacuation procedures in the Capital.
We now have the behemoth DHS and a greatly enlarged FEMA but yesterday proved nothing has really changed since 9/11/01. It was a giant cluster then and is always another cluster when weather or some other disaster causes an early release of DC area workers.
Amen Chris! My wife was stationed in the Pentagon when 9/11 happened. well now she's back as a civilian. She did say they evacuated calmly but when they said you can go back in and announced that for some it was ok to leave and go home it became a mad house. On my way home 95 south was chocker block full and folks still attempted to go 75 on the HOV. We'll never learn
I felt it sitting at my desk in Saginaw, MI. It was a very similar feeling to the one that happened in Toronto earlier in the year.

After it happened I looked around to see if I was crazy but checked the web and sure enough there was another quake.
Of course up here in Alaska it just would have been another tuesday. A 6.0 might wake us up a little.

The thing that always makes me scratch my head is the mandatory evacuations the folks in the L48 do. Lets see, you're in a building not designed for earthquakes, and stuff like windows might become loose and fall off. So they make you go outside to do what? Catch the falling window glass? Dodge bricks? maybe some flower pots off of a fire escape?

Seeing the news photos of the brick walls that collapsed should make folks understand that going outside might not be a good idea. Just ride it out inside the building.