need help, im being opressed.....

travis bruce

Active member
Whitey has me schedualed to work on Dec 26th. Sure its boxing day, I always give a shout out to my Canadians buds to wish them happy boxing day... but they dont even know what its about. But its also the start of Kwanza. Ive been celebrating kwanza for almost a decade now, knowing it'd eventually be a recognized holiday and its 9 days during duck season. Just looked at my calander from enterprise rental on my desk, and for the first time ever, its written on there. Da man is trying to hold me down. Anybody got Obama's #, I need some of dat change he promised! travis
Hey Travis -

We are still waiting for you to come up the "Travis Bruce" ice fishing extravaganza. We all don't get together anymore but I'd be willing to gather the boys up again. Let me know. I understand the 26th won't work.

Mark W

You aren't planning on spending Kwanza passing kidney stones are you. I'd hate for you to miss the celebration.

i'll be doing a lil icey stuff myself in the am. 23 degree forcast... 5 inch deep water freezes pretty damn fast when temps drop 40 degrees in 36 hours. It'll be cold, but i got some duck 'anger' built up to keep me warm.... so im gonna pass on the ice fishing, but i do appricate the thought.

Eric got 8 floating around right now... could drop to the floor while Im typing this. Aint never missed a hunt, or a celebration for a stone. Gives you an excuse to carry really, I mean REALLY good drugs with you whereever ya go. Doc put me on some stuff for stress the other day, happy pills. Alone, they keep me from strangling someone. but double them up with a suger free red bull followed by a whiskey drink, I can damn near fly! Whomeever says prescription drugs and alcohol dont mix, well, they must not be doing it right! ha. Had a monstor busted up last jan, and had one hit me july 3rd night thought I got shot... I was up july 4th training, on vicodin. had a partner hook my trailer up, and trained till noon. Went on for 2 weeks, till I guess I passed it. Missed one day of work over it, just cause i was throwing up. Aint no stone gonna keep me down. Had one hit me opening morning a few years ago, my brother didnt want to get cussed by asking me if i wanted to go home, so he just said what do I do. He put me in the pit like I was a kid, and got some dope outta the truck for me. Hunted till 11 that day, and when i got home wife wanted to go to er... naw. 4 oclock alarm went off and she was freaked I was going the next day. hurting is hurting, just get someone to drive and it dont matter! ha. travis
Went on for 2 weeks, till I guess I passed it.
Ok Travis- I know very little about kidney stones, know a few who have had them but that's it....but you "guess" you passed it? Even on drugs couldn't you feel something coming down the pipes? Dani

You are a human quarry. You know you could get them rascals dipped in gold and start wearing them. Give them out as Chistmas, er, Kwanza gifts too.

the excurating pain comes from when they stick.... when they move you can feel it. sometimes when you pass them you know, sometimes you don't. this started in my flank, and was bad, I mean couldnt lay down bad. and moved to the groin on that side. I had a regular schedualed scan that next week, and they saw the stone. did a ct and saw the stone. the day I ended up throwing up (your body can take percocet only so long till it gives up) and leaving work, another ct didnt show the stone. they where expected it lodged and have to go get it, but it was gone. hurt, sore like, for another week and a half, but thats sometimes just from the trama the tubes go thru. A normal person can pass one around 3.5 mm, and I can pass one about 4.5 mm, bigger than that ya normnally got to do something but only once they cause a problem. I had a monstor, 18 x 22 in the upper poe of my kidney (kidney is made like a snow man, think his head) that was so big it couldnt fall down into the kidney. itd move, and stop up the flow, Id get a sharp pain, and turn on my side and could feel it slide over. wicked cool, had it been on someone else, and not me. As long as it was floating it didnt hurt anything, so we just waited until we had to do something to it. Ive had so many of those lithos where they bust them up with soundwaves, they dont want to do those any more to me. last 2 procdures where going up with a lazer and busting them from the inside... they leave a stint in there for a couple weeks to stretch the tube, and when they pull it out you can pass some SERIOUS peices of gravel. Last time I left em in the urinal for a co worker to go see, and I thought he was gonna pass out. time before, they came around the tube with the stiny into the other tube on that kidney (i got a double tube, like some kinda freak), and I passed 20 mm of rock in about 6 hours.... worst pain I ever had in my life. those lil strainers they give you, I filled one up about 1/2 inch thick with rock. couldnt take nuff dope, tequila, and nasuea medcine to pass out, and the when i told the doctor what was happening he wanted to put me in hosital to knock me out till they came out... he was amazaed I could still talk after what all i took, he said man you ought to be passed out. I was like dude, if I could pass out, I wouldnt need you on the phone! ha.

I got a rare kidney disease that makes these stones. I got good doctors, and luckily, insurance to help with all this stuff. Still, my credit is ruined from all the medical bills I do have... you cant keep up with them all even if you can pay them. I could let it stop me, or even bother me, but whats the point? Only thing I ever get scared of, is being somewhere and not being able to get home. So if i got a stone acting up, i just make sure somebody can drive. Whats really odd about my condtion is, doc mccullough on here is the one the pointed me in the right direction (a nephrologist is a kidney disease doctor, a urlogist is a surgeon) and saved me probably a lot of pain and procdures by being concearned and his help. I have excellent doctors, and a friend thats a urlogist and nephrologist, that i can get the rest of the story if i think I dont understand something. being involved in your own care is sadly something most dont do, and theres a lot of times nothing happens unless you are.

but nuff bout my kidney suffering... Im oppressed! travis
Me too. I'll be slaving away over a hot autopilot all day on the 24th, 25th, and 26th.
Capitalist pigs gonna make me work or they won't pay me. Where's my handout?
Thanks I have a little more understanding....

Can't help you with the oppression....sorry, that day I'll be hunting south of here somewhere...not sure where yet but somewhere...I'll be sure to keep my poor oppressed 'brothers' in mind while I'm shooting ducks as they come into the decoys.