Need Opinion not a Fight

Pat Richter

Active member
First off i would like to thank Eric Patterson for changing the way i duck hunt . I stumbled across this site years ago and started using sneak boats . I now own six' four of which i built . Now for the question . In your opinion what is the most comfortable sneak you have hunted out of. Like one you can hunt broadside if you had to with enough leg room to do just that. Thanks Pat
I hunt out of my Devlin BBIII broad side all the time with two of us and a dog. One of my huntin buds is 6.5', I am 6.2' and we still have some room left for Belle 98 pound Chessy.

My BB3 or in fact any Black Brandt, in IMO, is one of the best hunting boats ever designed. I've hunted in them from the side, sitting upright with a blind or sitting facing aft behind a dodger. Very comfortable, very stable, very safe, easily concealable - best boat for me in my conditions. I've had mine out on Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Poygan, Puckaway, Petenwell, etc., pretty much all over the state, as well as Pools 8-9-10 on the River.

If you haven't seen a BB3 and want to, I'll be over by you this weekend. Let me know.
Take that offer.

Seeing is way better than trying to figure it out on the plans.