need some help with choke tubes

Ricky Barth

New member
hey guys i just bought a benelli nova and it only came with an ic choke does anyone recommend other chokes such as extended and adjustable ones? Does anyone have one they would like to sell.
hey guys i just bought a benelli nova and it only came with an ic choke does anyone recommend other chokes such as extended and adjustable ones? Does anyone have one they would like to sell.

How does the IC pattern?
I lot of my hunting buddies own Novas or S-Novas, plus I have 2 myself.

We all shoot IC or M tubes for ducks and have found that the Benelli tubes produce good patterns. Before purchasing expensive aftermarkets, pattern your gun to see if there is a problem.
Since your gun only has an IC tube I would suggest picking up a Modified for those time when longer shots are the plan for the day. As for brands of aftermarket tubes, I can't offer any suggestions.
When I bought my SBE it only had a turkey tube with it.
I bought a set of the Carlson extended tubes so I wouldn't need a wrench to change them.
I never realy used any other than IC and the Mod.
They are not real expensive compared to what you can spend on a new tube