Need some prayers guys

Hank H Garvey

Active member
Well this time it is not Mary. My sister Colleen 40 years old has terminal bial duct cancer and has only a few days to weeks left to live. She has a husband and two little kids 2 and 5 years old. Colleen was diagnosed on Aug 21st one of the reasons that you guys have not seen or heard from me lately. Now the cancer has spread all over the place and she is at home on morphine and waiting. I spent some time with her today writing a ulogy (sp) for her funeral, one of the toughest things I have ever had to do.

The one thing that I need from my friends is some prayers that God is merciful and that she does not suffer much longer. It is not fair but life is not always fair. Thanks for the support again. Hank --- HHG
Terrible and grossly unfair..... My heart goes out to you, your sister and all the family. Prayers for peace and mercy on the way for all of you.

Brian F.
Hank I'm so sorry to hear this. That's a nightmare scenario. I'll keep your sister and the family in my thoughts and prayers.

So sorry to hear this ,you and your family are in our prayers during this tough time . Take care !!!

Dave M
Hank, a very sad situation. My families prayers are with your sister, her family and you at this time.
Hank, my heart goes out to your sister and her family. I am sure you have been a strong presence for her in her time of need God bless her and the family during this trying time.
I am so sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to you all.
You walk hand in hand with the Lord...Foot prints in the sand. These are the times when the Lord carries us. God bless you my friend.
Hank Im sorry to hear that may God show mercy to your sister my prayers have been sent for all of you.